How to Transform Your Rut into a Runway

Are you trapped in a rut?

Years ago, when folks were adventuring west, they saw this sign in Kansas.

“Choose your rut well, you’re going to be in it for the next 2000 miles.”

Ruts are a big part of life whether we choose them or not.

Bluebonnets rut to runway
Short step from rut to runway/Texas wildflowers/Steve Blaising

Since we fall quickly, it’s good to plan ahead on who will be the guide.

One of the shortest chapters in the Bible shows the way out.

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How to Transform Your Rut into a Runway

Cancer Survivor Defies Diagnosis in Iron Man Triathlon

Isabella de la Houssaye was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2018.

The disease took a big toll as she struggled to walk after chemo.

Nine months later, she completed the “world’s most difficult sporting event.”

Cancer survivor finishes race
Exceptional willingness to thrive months after cancer diagnosis/The Daily Advertiser

Here are three takeaways for your performance in big scary moments.

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Cancer Survivor Defies Diagnosis in Iron Man Triathlon

What God Has to Say About Your Great Loss

Loss is really painful in the holidays.

overcoming loss in holidays
Our family’s loss shadows the holiday season/Steve Blaising/Lake Athens

I was in a boat launching from shore this past summer when I got the call.

My brother-in-law died unexpectedly at 57 just months before we lost dad.

So, our family gathers this holiday season with two vacant chairs.

How do suffering folks cope in the holidays?

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What God Has to Say About Your Great Loss

Three-Time Brain Tumor: No Reason to be Discouraged!

Discouraged is not a familiar word to this owner of a three time brain tumor.

After the 2018 Winter Olympics, famed gold medalist Scott Hamilton reflected on a television talk show about adoption, cancer and his reoccurring brain tumor.

Not discouraged beating cancer
Scott Hamilton shares his story on TODAY

How does he thrive with anxiety?

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Three-Time Brain Tumor: No Reason to be Discouraged!

Savvy Ways to Transform Worry into Peace

Worry loves to fight for my brain the first moment of the day.

If the externals are bright, my brain rings peace.

But, if the externals are scary, my brain goes off like a cat in a hen house!

Bobcat stirring up anxiety
Bobcat stirring anxiety in the hen house/Doovi

Jeffrey Weiss, a business reporter for the Dallas Morning News, recently died of brain cancer.

One of his last columns made me curious about his approach to freaking nerves.

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Savvy Ways to Transform Worry into Peace