How loneliness flees by weaving through this path

“Loneliness is the biggest reason folks are in therapy,” says my psychiatrist friend at a party.

She told me this after I asked her what maladies are haunting her clients today.

“Loneliness is tops,” she said.

Journey from loneliness

“How old are your clients?”

“From 25 to early 40s. Some in their 50s.”

So, we chatted about three life-changing ideas for loneliness.

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How loneliness flees by weaving through this path

How Easter turns your mess into your greatest message

The worst mess in our lives can be reversed into our greatest victory.

Disgraced Civil War general, Lew Wallace, turned a surprise encounter with the leading atheist of the 19th century into a best selling novel and inspired the greatest Easter movie ever.

Transform mess into message
Lew Wallace survived the mess of Shiloh to advance his message in Ben-Hur/Wikipedia
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How Easter turns your mess into your greatest message