Reimagine your life with more joy and satisfaction.
Even at 95, Peter Drucker was enthralled with his future.
His secret for a bright future surrounds 3 habits.
Continue Reading “Reimagine the future with this time-proven formula”Reimagine your life with more joy and satisfaction.
Even at 95, Peter Drucker was enthralled with his future.
His secret for a bright future surrounds 3 habits.
Continue Reading “Reimagine the future with this time-proven formula”I don’t know if I was stunned with joy more than grief when an unexpected visitor arrived almost the same time I did at my mother’s grave.
It happened at sunset after a long drive from Dallas to San Antonio.
Continue Reading “Mysterious Visitor Emerges from Graveyard: Prepare to be Astonished!”No one sings feelings like Bono.
Did you know his favorite book of the Bible is the Psalms?
The last song played at many U2 concerts is “40,” based on Psalm 40.
The song was created in ten minutes after an all-night recording session for their third album, “War.”
“40” offers a clue to one of the biggest mysteries about God.
Continue Reading “What Bono Wants You to Know About Hope”Defeat is not an Alice Johnson word except when speaking about injustice.
Alice Johnson left millions speechless after her speech last week.
She emerged from a 22-year prison term with . . .
Unwrap 3 treasures to wipe out injustice in the USA.
Continue Reading “Defeat Despair Like Alice Johnson Defeats Injustice”Our country is seething with rage about race, immigration and police.
Where is the rainbow to lead us out of the valley?
Maybe the rainbow is a leader who will . . .
Where is this leader?
Continue Reading “Rage in the U.S. is marching on. What do we do?”