Hope: 3 Powerful Strategies to Conquer Life’s Toughest Obstacles

If the greatest of all tragedies struck you down, would you still have hope?

Katherine Wolf does even though, at age 26 to date (now 42), she has survived . . .

  • a catastrophic brain-stem stroke
  • paralysis throughout her body
  • numerous falls with broken bones
  • aneurysm surgery unrelated to her stroke
  • multiple vertebral artery dissections
  • ongoing neurological issues
  • hearing loss
  • blind in left eye and double vision in right eye
Hope by Katherine Wolf

In spite of all this, she proclaims hope as she . . .

  • just published her third book, Treasures In The Dark
  • travels nationwide speaking to thousands
  • sponsors a special-needs summer camp
  • opened a coffee shop staffed by special-needs folks

I heard her speak at a jam-packed Highland Park Presbyterian church service weeks ago. I have not been the same since.

After reading her books and reflecting on what she says about hope, I see three proven relievers for overcoming despair.

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Hope: 3 Powerful Strategies to Conquer Life’s Toughest Obstacles

A good father reveals three secrets for surviving disasters

Nothing like being a father.

I always knew Father’s Day was coming when Jack was little, because he would ask me what size cologne I wear.

Father and son
Steve and Jack Blaising at the Blaising farm December 2017/Kate Blaising

When I was raising teenagers, I had a satellite TV, a smartphone and a laptop and my kids told me I was out of touch.

Somebody said a father is a man with pictures in his wallet, where his money used to be.

Jokes aside, fathers are the ones we consult when unnatural disasters like war or mass shootings shake the world.

Since the Ukraine and Gaza wars are rattling our souls, I thought it appropriate to share my dad’s old school advice for surviving chaos.

My father at 93
Dad at his farm in Riesel, TX 2017/Kate Blaising

All his tips came on a filming trip to San Antonio by dad’s childhood landmarks.

Continue Reading “A good father reveals three secrets for surviving disasters” >
A good father reveals three secrets for surviving disasters