Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

Discover Key Insights Learned After a Storm to Make Better Decisions

A monster storm can pack valuable insights for future decisions.

Life is risky business and risks are easily ignored.

Monster storm risky decisions
Large trees downed in Houston, TX, on May 17, 2024, following a powerful storm/Photo by Reginald Mathalone/NurPhoto via AP

A good example is city leaders in Houston.

They ignored catastrophic flooding risks and Hurricane Harvey devastated thousands in 2017.

A few days ago, the culprit was 80 mph winds knocking over thousands of trees and power lines.

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Discover Key Insights Learned After a Storm to Make Better Decisions

Grab three treasures from the beach for lifelong happiness

The beach inspires us with images about happiness.

Happiness at the beach
The beach restores health and happiness

Dolphins. Sand. Water. Wind. Sun. Footprints. Tides. Umbrellas. Pools.

Each reminds us of three beach treasures for a happier and healthier life.

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Grab three treasures from the beach for lifelong happiness

How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods

Watching the TV special, “The 2019 Master’s: A Sunday Unlike Any Other,” reminds me how Tiger Woods overcame discouragement by making a simple decision.

After all, adversity drops in quickly like a duck on a June bug.

Peace of mind evaporates when . . .

  • health
  • career
  • money
  • relationships

. . . go up in smoke.

But, I’m intrigued how a person can change their life with one simple decision.

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How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods

How the solar eclipse increases your hope and faith

Everyone is filled with hope they’ll see totality in the solar eclipse.

Hope in solar eclipse
The moon covers the sun/Amanda Carden/Shutterstock

Reminds us of the sun’s immense power. 

Power that is overwhelming yet uniquely toned down by our ocean.

Why is the sun’s power toned down?

Our seawater has an amazing filter that unexplainably accommodates living organisms.

How does this happen? Why does this happen?

Pause just a minute and allow three messages from the solar eclipse to rekindle your faith and hope.

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How the solar eclipse increases your hope and faith