Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

Savvy Ways to Transform Worry into Peace

Worry loves to fight for my brain the first moment of the day.

If the externals are bright, my brain rings peace.

But, if the externals are scary, my brain goes off like a cat in a hen house!

Bobcat stirring up anxiety
Bobcat stirring anxiety in the hen house/Doovi

Jeffrey Weiss, a business reporter for the Dallas Morning News, recently died of brain cancer.

One of his last columns made me curious about his approach to freaking nerves.

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Savvy Ways to Transform Worry into Peace

Divorce is not the final word on your future

What do divorce, mouth sores and jogging have in common?  They’re all bloody horrible.

Recently, my youngest daughter, Kate, asked me a piercing question.

“Dad, what happened in the divorce?”

Divorce is not the final word on your future/Carmen Marxuach/Unsplash
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Divorce is not the final word on your future

Empower Yourself and Overcome Anxiety: Discover Four Powerful Techniques

Are you suffering from anxiety or pain that scares you?

Anxiety looks like an intruder
Anxiety, like intruders, can be conquered/Steve Blaising

Anxiety is often caused by physical or emotional pain.

But, one of God’s sweet creatures shows us how to endure.

Continue Reading “Empower Yourself and Overcome Anxiety: Discover Four Powerful Techniques” >
Empower Yourself and Overcome Anxiety: Discover Four Powerful Techniques