Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

When Despair Overwhelms Your Heart with Darkness

I could see the despair dripping with the bloody gash across his forehead as he sat wearily across from me in the sheriff’s office.

Less than 12 hours earlier, Trey drove a ski boat with his girlfriend high speed into my dock just before midnight.

Despair leads to tragedy
Dock as I found it the morning after late night crash.

They were lucky to be alive.

shipwrecked despair
Chaise loungers thrown from point of impact

The sheriff arrived searching for dead bodies.

And then his phone rang with news someone found the boat, so he ran off instructing me to stay there.

Hours later he called and asked me to come meet the survivors at his office.

I quickly googled the young man only to learn he had studied at Harvard and MIT.

He was a Fellow of the Trinity Forum Academy in Osprey Point, Maryland.

Only the brightest and most promising undergraduates are accepted each year for a nine month program to study “life’s greatest questions, in the context of faith.”

Why did such a promising young man drive his dad’s ski boat high speed into a completely out-of-the-way location on a lake he knew better than any school subject?

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When Despair Overwhelms Your Heart with Darkness

Steve McQueen’s Formula for a Happy and Satisfying Life

Few know the real story behind the Steve McQueen formula for a happy and satisfying life.

McQueen formula for happiness
Steve McQueen made a life-changing commitment to find satisfaction and peace of mind

McQueen had everything the American dream sells . . .

  • Cool
  • Fame
  • Sex
  • Money

But, behind the persona of cool macho and sexual trysts lay a wandering soul looking for peace, life and satisfaction.

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Steve McQueen’s Formula for a Happy and Satisfying Life

How To Make Your Dad Last Forever

I think the first time I realized dad’s mortality was the phone call, “What are the test results, Dad?”

“It’s cancer,” he replied evenly. And then the longest silence I can ever remember. I knew little about prostate cancer at the time. But, the “C” word horrified me because the next question was, “How far has it spread? Is it contained?”

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How To Make Your Dad Last Forever