Everyone is filled with hope they’ll see totality in the solar eclipse.

Reminds us of the sun’s immense power.
Power that is overwhelming yet uniquely toned down by our ocean.
Why is the sun’s power toned down?
Our seawater has an amazing filter that unexplainably accommodates living organisms.
How does this happen? Why does this happen?
Pause just a minute and allow three messages from the solar eclipse to rekindle your faith and hope.
1. Solar eclipse reminds us of sun’s power
That power is the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by the sun whose energy reaches all the way to the Andromeda Galaxy.
- Infrared radiation
- Microwave radiation
- Ultraviolet radiation
At the same time, the surface of the sun is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Additionally, the corona, the gas surrounding the sun, is two million degrees Fahrenheit. You can’t see the corona under ordinary circumstances. But, you can see it when the moon covers the sun (see video below).
The corona is 200 times hotter than the sun’s surface. The outer edges of the corona are spewing energy called the solar wind at a million miles an hour.
As a result, Mercury is torched and heats up to 700 degrees on the side facing the sun. The other side is is 200-300 degrees below zero. Both scenarios eradicate life instantly much less prohibit a chance to begin.
Yet, Earth is teeming with living organisms. Not a single living organism anywhere else!
2. Solar eclipse reminds us of uniqueness
For no scientific reason whatever, Earth’s seawater swallows most of the sun’s energy . . .
- ultraviolet radiation
- x-rays
- gamma rays
. . . except for sunlight.
The only energy not absorbed by seawater is sunlight because something allows it to pass through.
Equally important, the sunlight is feasted upon by cyanobacteria, the first organisms ever to produce oxygen.
Through the inexplicable merging of sunlight and seawater, cyanobacteria . . .
- draw unlimited energy from the sun
- provide health and growth for ecosystems
- are responsible for a quarter of global carbon fixation
Why is this inexplicable process for life on earth fine-tuned? What or who allows this?
Absolute astonishment is the only response to the apparent design of earth’s ecosystem all driven by the impossible-to-explain harvesting of sunlight.
3. Solar eclipse reminds us of design
We know that sunlight and seawater did not adjust themselves to line up these unusual properties to fit together. This happens no place else but Earth. No place else.
If this sunlight-seawater combination did not match up perfectly, we’d be another Mercury or whatever.
Can we stare at the solar eclipse long enough to savor this miracle? A miracle that gives hope daily?
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its heat.” Psalm 19:1-6
At what point does an atheist say “Uncle”?
So Amazing ! Love the article.
Thank you Gail. Great to hear from you!