Shut down your biggest worry with a great closer.

Only one reliever works when there is no answer.
Continue Reading “Discover the game-changing closer that can solve your biggest worry”Shut down your biggest worry with a great closer.
Only one reliever works when there is no answer.
Continue Reading “Discover the game-changing closer that can solve your biggest worry”Shortcuts are haunting Texas residents again as the state’s power manager, ERCOT, warns of electricity outages.
The Texas power grid was not built in a day.
But, it broke down in one day, February 15, 2021.
At 1:25 AM, ERCOT set off rolling power outages.
Continue Reading “Is Catastrophe Looming in the Texas Power Grid?”Worries overloaded the young doctor.
So, he sought a gypsy for advice.
“What do you see?” fretted the doctor.
“You will be poor and unhappy till age 50.”
“Well,” said the doctor, “what happens after that?”
“After that, you get used to it.”
Worries are bad habits, aren’t they?
They stick around if we let them.
But, three steps banish worries quicker than a windstorm clears leaves.
Continue Reading “How to Overcome a Lifetime of Worries”Isabella de la Houssaye was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2018.
The disease took a big toll as she struggled to walk after chemo.
Nine months later, she completed the “world’s most difficult sporting event.”
Here are three takeaways for your performance in big scary moments.
Continue Reading “Cancer Survivor Defies Diagnosis in Iron Man Triathlon”