Hemingway’s Depression Lights Up a Detour to Hope

Ernest Hemingway’s depression shines a light on hope.

Not from the path he took. But, the path he ignored.

Hemingway's path to depression
Chasing a path at the Sanfermin Festival Bull Run Spain/AFP/GettyImages

On October 6, 1958, Ernest drove toward the site of his eventual suicide.

What he really wanted was a stiff drink.

So, he finds a bar in Sheridan, Wyoming.

Another patron says, “Look who thinks he’s Hemingway.”

Ernest wondered the same thing, tormented by . . .

  • alcoholism
  • chronic pain
  • bipolar disease

His mantra, “Above all, endure,” wasn’t working.

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Hemingway’s Depression Lights Up a Detour to Hope

What God Has to Say About Your Great Loss

Loss is really painful in the holidays.

overcoming loss in holidays
Our family’s loss shadows the holiday season/Steve Blaising/Lake Athens

I was in a boat launching from shore this past summer when I got the call.

My brother-in-law died unexpectedly at 57 just months before we lost dad.

So, our family gathers this holiday season with two vacant chairs.

How do suffering folksĀ cope in the holidays?

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What God Has to Say About Your Great Loss