A naval officer with uncommon success made the hardest decision late one night.
Another ship was approaching.
The helmsman told the officer, “Sir, there are lights ahead.”
The officer said, “Radio that ship and tell them to alter their course ten degrees north.”
And so he did. “Alter your course ten degrees north.”
The answer came back. “Your order is respected but disregarded. You alter your course ten degrees south.”
The officer was incensed, so he got on the radio and said, “I am an Admiral, and this is a battleship. You alter your course ten degrees north.”
There was a long pause, and an answer came back.
“With all due respect, Admiral, I disregard your order. You alter your course to ten degrees south, and you better hurry. I am a lighthouse. Any questions?”
Of course, the Admiral followed suit. Quickly.
I believe there is a Lighthouse beaming three instructions to all of us.
We can ignore them. But those who listen will find uncommon success.

1. Humility
We are taught by culture that only one boss pilots the ship. You.
But, in fact, you have no control over outside forces like . . .
- disease
- enemies
- weather
- markets
But God does. He judges evil and mitigates disaster.
“When I select an appointed time, it is I who judge with equity. When the earth shakes and all its inhabitants; I keep its pillars firm.” Psalm 75: 2-3
You and I are no more independent of God than . . .
- a diver from an air tank
- the Earth from the Sun
He circumvents tragedy in your circumstances if you follow His path.
Why this requirement? Free will. He doesn’t cajole you.
On the other hand, entitlement, which is the decision to be your own boss, fights against the dependent creature you are.
Humility depends on God, the Lighthouse running this world.
Humility embraces God as the Creator and who you are as His beautiful creature.
When you fight this, things don’t go well. But, when you embrace your Creator, He supports you.
“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.” Isaiah 50:7
2. Affiliation
As I celebrate my 70th birthday, I see how affiliation or connectedness is God’s design.
We were made for each other, so the hardest decisions include subverting one’s own interests for the interests of others.
The reward that comes back is . . .
- love
- empathy
- fulfillment
- encouragement
Solomon reminds us how much we need each other.
“But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10
Prioritize connectedness in all your choices and watch your purpose flourish.
3. Responsibility
God did not bring humankind into this world as robots.
But when we act like robots, not taking ownership of our choices, we blame others for our program.
The happiest, most fulfilled folks in the world are those who accept, own, and move on after their decisions, good or bad.
“Own your part of your job, your marriage, your dating life, your spiritual life, and your health. If someone is driving you crazy and trying to control you, own that you are allowing things that aren’t good for you.” Dr. John Townsend, The Entitlement Cure, p. 60
Responsibility acts with courage and avoids collisions with pride.
Take ownership of your faults, and then your faults can be transformed.
4. Guarantee
Humility, connectedness and ownership lead to uncommon success.
- A path for making plans with God’s direction
- High-quality relationships
- A crisis-survival kit
- Meaningful work
- Spiritual growth
What rewards have you reaped along the hardest path to success?
Thanks Steve – Added pieces of this blog to my life notes
What a compliment Jeff. Thank you.