How a 9-Year-Old Foster Boy Finds Peace to Overcome Chaos

A 9-year-old foster boy, Marcus, finds peace despite his horrific beginning.

His foster mom, Shirley, told me they found him and his sister, Ava, when they were babies, crying in a closet full of human waste.

But today is different. It is June 11, 2024, and Marcus, his foster mom, and four foster siblings are experiencing heaven on earth at a Christian water sports camp, Skiin’ With The Galilean (SWTG). Twenty-five years ago, United Airlines captain Todd Garrett created SWTG to help foster and special-needs children.

Foster boy finds peace
Foster and special-needs kids find peace and joy at SWTG/Steve Blaising/Lake Athens, TX

After taking the kids and caretakers out on a beautiful lake in beautiful boats, SWTG volunteers bring everyone in for lunch.

As the camp pastor, I invite anyone to talk and pray about troubles privately after a brief devotional.

Shirley, Marcus and Ava’s foster mom, approaches me in tears.

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How a 9-Year-Old Foster Boy Finds Peace to Overcome Chaos

How God speaks through the morning light every day

God spoke to me this morning.

“I want to show you something.” 

He walks me through the morning light along the trees down to the shoreline.

Early mist floats above the water.  Soft light bathes the shore.

It’s an early morning at the lake.  Temp is 78, no wind.

Coffee pot and cup in hand, I step onto the jet ski from the dock.

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How God speaks through the morning light every day

How your morning coffee-walk jails the demons every day

A daily morning coffee-walk is a three-way thoroughfare to keep your mind clear for a happier life.

Morning coffee-walk
Morning coffee-walk erases demons/Steve Blaising/University Park, TX

How else to survive the torture of daily news . . .

  • from media
  • from work
  • from life

The news is one notch above the town sewer, collecting the worst maladies of the day.

Recently, the following words were front-page on the Dallas Morning News.

  • . . . Dallas’ Painful Past
  • . . . Arming Schools Against Threats
  • . . . Shining Light on a Dark Time
  • . . . Survivors Struggle While Waiting for Aid

Daily news desecrates our soul and turns our minds into a cesspool of despair.

“If I am to be a thoroughfare, I prefer that it be of the mountain-brooks, the Parnassian streams, and not the town sewers.” Henry David Thoreau

But, everyday walking intersects your mind with 3 refreshments.

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How your morning coffee-walk jails the demons every day