Unlock the Power of Faith and Creativity in Your Healing Journey

Better healing is enhanced by faith and creativity.

Not just any faith. Targeted faith.

Accelerate healing with creativity
Hasten the healing process with faith and creativity/Gajus/iStock

Before I clarify the target, let me reminisce about my last nightmare.

2019 was really scary as I hurtled through a strange disease.

My body lit up like a July 4th sparkler.

Nerves from head to toe misfired like a dying Terminator.

Google said, “You’re cooked.”

That’s neuropathy.

Fried nerves. No cure (they tell you). No solution.

Just drugs when you consult most doctors.

But faith led me down a better path for long-term healing.

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Unlock the Power of Faith and Creativity in Your Healing Journey

Navigate your pain victoriously: 3 hints from the first Christmas

Pain pops up at Christmas.

Maybe it’s because the holidays often revolve around regrets.

  • Family
  • Health
  • Money

Christmas is a nice distraction from some of these when the kids or grandkids are young.

But as you, your parents, and the kids age, Christmas shines a spotlight on pain.

Three hints from the first Christmas convert pain into bright steps toward the future.

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Navigate your pain victoriously: 3 hints from the first Christmas

How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods

Watching the TV special, “The 2019 Master’s: A Sunday Unlike Any Other,” reminds me how Tiger Woods overcame discouragement by making a simple decision.

After all, adversity drops in quickly like a duck on a June bug.

Peace of mind evaporates when . . .

  • health
  • career
  • money
  • relationships

. . . go up in smoke.

But, I’m intrigued how a person can change their life with one simple decision.

Continue Reading “How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods” >
How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods

Rising from the Ashes: How to Turn Your Pain into Beauty

Foster and special-needs kids rise above their pain every summer at Skiin’ With The Galilean (SWTG).

The Christian water sports camp shines a light on beauty for everyone involved.

The beauty of hope.

Rise above pain
Jack Bryan rises above Leigh syndrome in 2019 at SWTG/Lake Athens, TX

Hope is in the . . .

  • love of God reflected through volunteers
  • water and sun dancing off inner tubes
  • ZUP boards and smiling faces

Like a Lego kit, SWTG offers broken kids valuable pieces to rebuild their lives.

Three pieces that fix broken lives work well for all of us.

Continue Reading “Rising from the Ashes: How to Turn Your Pain into Beauty” >
Rising from the Ashes: How to Turn Your Pain into Beauty