Apocalypse in Israel: Is Mass Murder and War a Sign of End Times?

Apocalypse in Israel or not, trauma is a daily episode in the modern world.

Israel music festival apocalypse
Israeli soldiers inspect the music festival attack site on October 13, 2023/Associated Press

Survivors of the Supernova music festival in southern Israel say the scene looked like the apocalypse.

  • Sky full of rockets at 6:30 AM
  • Suiciders blocking exits
  • Shooters everywhere

“This may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades.” Jamie Dimon, CEO JP Morgan Chase, 10/13/2023

The chief executive of the world’s largest bank said the terror attack in Israel and the Ukraine war have far-reaching effects on trade, markets and relationships for years to come.

The Bible details a number of alarming signs for “the end of the age.”

Here are two unfolding today with growing lethality.

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Apocalypse in Israel: Is Mass Murder and War a Sign of End Times?

Monster Storms: The House No One is Talking About

Storms scare us.  And if you haven’t tasted one lately, just look at Hurricane Ian.

Hurricane Ian home destruction
Aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Fort Myers Beach, FL/AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee
  • Many using boats to rescue the helpless
  • Many suffering loss of their home
  • Many dead

The difference for survival after a storm is how you manage anxiety.

And later, loss.

I suggest three steps take us to safety.

Continue Reading “Monster Storms: The House No One is Talking About” >
Monster Storms: The House No One is Talking About

Blow Out of Your Hole Through These Escape Hatches

Whatever hole or pit you’re in is not permanent.

Blow away your hole
Thor’s Well, Oregon USA/Tom Gainer/Unsplash

Unless you want to stay there.

And many folks do.

The deeper the hole, the more resistance there is.

But, anyone can climb out if they open three hatches.

Continue Reading “Blow Out of Your Hole Through These Escape Hatches” >
Blow Out of Your Hole Through These Escape Hatches

How America Can Rescue Tragedy for Triumph

This tragedy, the brutal murder of George Floyd, is horrific.

And then we watched mobs. . .

  • beat old women
  • shoot police officers
  • steal everything in sight
tragedy turned into trauma
Looting in New York after George Floyd death/Bryan R. Smith/Getty Images

How many innocent Americans have they hurt?

How many have they murdered?

How do we put our society back together?

For some reason, Tyler Perry popped into my head.

No, not Madea.  Tyler Perry.

Turn tragedy into triumph
Tyler Perry turning tragedy into triumph/Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock

Tyler was born into the tragedy of a raging alcoholic father.

Abuse swarmed him and his mother day and night.

He didn’t even finish high school, so he cornered a GED.

And yet Forbes listed Tyler Perry as the highest paid man in entertainment by 2011.

“My childhood was a story of discouragement, belittlement and unthinkable abuse, and yet I rose above.”  Tyler Perry, Higher is Waiting

More than ever, folks in America are growing up in abusive homes.

I did.  That’s why I admire Tyler Perry.  He navigated abuse for 21 years before leaving home.

Racism and inequality are bad enough, but pile on abuse, and success is much harder.

Tyler Perry overcame all three.

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How America Can Rescue Tragedy for Triumph