Child sex abuse: How shame crashed Trey Carlock into my dock

I still can’t believe that Trey Carlock, a child sex abuse victim filled with shame, drove his father’s boat at high speed in the middle of the night, crashing into my Lake Athens boat dock.

Shortly before, my oldest daughter, Lizzy, and I lounged right at the point of impact.

I have often reflected on that night, August 11, 2015.

My father always said, “Son, nothing good happens after midnight.”

In my sleep, I heard what I thought was an explosion.

But, the idea was so farfetched that I ignored the sound as a bad dream.

Nothing prepared me for what I saw the following day.

A young college grad, Trey Carlock, and his girlfriend drove his father’s boat into my dock.

The heavy rubber trex decking was blown right off the dock frame. Boat shards everywhere.

The lounging chairs Lizzy and I sat on minutes before were blown to the back of the dock.

Trey Carlock shame wreck
Chaise loungers thrown from the point of impact/Steve Blaising

Bodies? Didn’t see any.

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Child sex abuse: How shame crashed Trey Carlock into my dock

Escape the pit of despair with these 3 powerful elevators

When despair sticks your heart in the mud, the best way out is an express elevator.

The fastest elevator ride in my life was recently with my son, Jack, on the outside of the Comcast Center building in Philadelphia.

As soon as we stepped on, the door shut and we shot off the ground like a clown in a circus cannon.

  • People turned to ants
  • Buildings turned to legos
  • Streetlights to toothpicks

The sky shot reminds me of three express elevators beckoning all of us out of the pit of despair.

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Escape the pit of despair with these 3 powerful elevators

Hemingway’s Depression Lights Up a Detour to Hope

Ernest Hemingway’s depression shines a light on hope.

Not from the path he took. But, the path he ignored.

Hemingway's path to depression
Chasing a path at the Sanfermin Festival Bull Run Spain/AFP/GettyImages

On October 6, 1958, Ernest drove toward the site of his eventual suicide.

What he really wanted was a stiff drink.

So, he finds a bar in Sheridan, Wyoming.

Another patron says, “Look who thinks he’s Hemingway.”

Ernest wondered the same thing, tormented by . . .

  • alcoholism
  • chronic pain
  • bipolar disease

His mantra, “Above all, endure,” wasn’t working.

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Hemingway’s Depression Lights Up a Detour to Hope

How to Hope in the Middle of any Crisis

Did you ever think hope could vanish as fast as sporting events did in the Coronavirus crisis?

That’s why TV channels played the Lord of the Rings over and over.

Frodo Baggins and his companions live day and night in loss, pain and darkness.

The wear and tear of goblin gnashing and countless deaths lead to Frodo’s merciful escape from the Grey Havens to a sort of heaven.

God filled hope

Tolkien enthusiasts adopted the catch-phrase “Frodo Lives!” to express hope in dark times.

For anyone in despair, three reminders can light up a dismal season.

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How to Hope in the Middle of any Crisis