Stunning Sunrise Over Bethlehem Guarantees Your Jackpot

I needed a jackpot in December 1996.

A jackpot of relief. I was burned out.

Burnt from life changes swirling around me.

Our business was being audited in an unfriendly fashion.

And I was just married for the second time.

I wanted “peace on earth.”

So, I traveled to Bethlehem for Christmas.

Jackpot in Bethlehem
Sunrise over Bethlehem/istock

A bus ride led me to a jackpot.

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Stunning Sunrise Over Bethlehem Guarantees Your Jackpot

How to Transform Your Rut into a Runway

Are you trapped in a rut?

Years ago when folks were adventuring west, they saw this sign in Kansas.

“Choose your rut well, you’re going to be in it for the next 2000 miles.”

Ruts are a big part of life whether we choose them or not.

Bluebonnets rut to runway
Short step from rut to runway/Texas wildflowers/Steve Blaising

Since we fall easily, it’s good to plan ahead on who will be the guide.

One of the shortest chapters in the Bible shows the way out.

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How to Transform Your Rut into a Runway