Your name is all you’ve got. Once it’s gone, everything is gone.
We watched Christine Ford pour out her heart to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

And then we took a break for lunch before Brett Kavanaugh appeared with heartfelt denials.
The FBI report showed no corroboration of Christine Ford’s sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh.
But, the long-term fallout for both is the damage to their name.
Here are 3 takeaways on how to survive this nasty world with a good name.
Takeaway #1: Make peace quickly with others
It’s interesting to me that Kavanaugh while denying an alleged 36-year-old sexual assault charge, testified that his 10-year-old daughter suggested they pray for “the woman.”
And then he said, “We mean no ill will.”
Before offering evidence of his innocence, he sought peace with his accuser.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
That’s the quickest way to put out the fire of attack.
Don’t anger enemies with revenge.
Show mercy even as you defend yourself.
Takeaway #2: Exercise smarts in a crisis
Wisdom is proven up when the heat is on.
That’s what happened during the testimony.
Kavanaugh’s skill set for getting out of trouble was impressive.
- Resolute denial of all sexual assault charges
- Rousing claim to a life history of character
- Riveting display of accountability with a 36-year-old calendar

Meanwhile, Ford’s story was careless and sloppy as she . . .
- changed the attack date from other accounts
- changed the number of individuals at the gathering from other accounts
- changed the location of the party from other accounts
- changed her description of the house’s floor plan from other accounts
Sadly, Christine Ford is a victim of her sloppy approach to handling tragedy.
However, a wise person takes the trouble to plan well, mainly when surviving a crisis.
Takeaway #3: Seek wisdom from God
The difference between the wise and the foolish is not just smarts.
It’s faith.
“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.” Proverbs 2:6-10
Brett Kavanaugh received the trust of the President the way he received the trust of others.
Justice, fairness, and faith shine bright in his . . .
- family life
- professional relationships
- college friends
- childhood friends
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” Proverbs 3:3-4
I hope everyone responds with compassion to Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh.
A wise person forgives as much as she or he reasons.
What takeaways did you get from this historic process?
I really preach to my grandkids that their last name is something to be proud of and to protect. I tell them that their actions and words are a reflection of my ancestors, their grandparents, and their parents, so they need to be careful before they over-react or say something before thinking. Our family is blessed with an ancestry of many “good” people and they have a burden to continue this family tradition, so they need to be selective about their friends and playmates.
Kent, What a model for all grandparents to follow! Thanks for sharing these thoughts!
Amen on all this you wrote. I saw this as a spiritual war and His truth will always win out. Gotta love a guy this organized rather than how the media and night shows scoffed at him. Prayed ceasingly for him and his family through this. God is good all the time☝️👏
Thanks for your comment Kyle. No doubt the response to this nomination is passionate on all sides.