A few months ago, I was smoldering in knee pain hell.

Every step I took made me wanna scream like a mashed cat.
It all began after a 3-mile hike with my cross-country star daughter.
We began at an easy pace until I challenged her with a sprint.

That was a mistake in more ways than one!
Within three days, I descended into spiraling pain with every step I took.
However, three critical decisions led to the total healing of my knee in 90 days without drugs, surgery, or any invasive needles.
Decision 1: Seek answers with good questions
I believe the first step in healing is to ask for the answer you seek.
For example, a voice in my head said to Google the title of a book I wish existed: Treat Your Own Knee.
Wala! Two books exist with that title!
Treat Your Own Knee by Grant Watson, Robert Lindsay, and Robin McKenzie, and Treat Your Own Knees by Jim Johnson.
A quick scan of both books led me to go with the first.
It shows you why and how to treat your own knees.
Doesn’t matter if you have . . .
- a torn meniscus
- little cartilage
- bad arthritis
Just as many knees have these issues with no pain as those with constant pain. Let that sink in.
Clearly, it’s a surprise when you discover the simplest habits wrecking your knees and an even bigger surprise when the simplest exercises heal your knees.
The book boldly promises that after doing these six exercises once, your knee will be remarkably better.
And, if you follow the advice exactly as written, AND DON’T QUIT OR DEVIATE, your knee can recover 100%.
Sign me up, baby!
It’s called the McKenzie method, and there’s no risk in trying it, although it does advise consulting with a doctor before commencing the exercises. More on that below.
Decision 2: No-knee-pain lifestyle
I encourage you to hang in there if you are suffering from any kind of joint pain, whether it’s . . .
- knee
- back
- nerve
- shoulder
I have experienced all of these, and by God’s mercy and leadership, I recovered from all without surgery or drugs.
How? Commit to a daily lifestyle change.
In regard to knees, recognize that knee pain is a loading issue on the knee joint.
The McKenzie method deals with knee loading and takes the mystery out of knee pain by illustrating and explaining . . .
- its appearances and disappearances
- how to use extension and flexion to clear blockage inside
- simple daily exercises that strengthen and prevent future injury
The advice is so valuable that I think it should be required reading in every high school PE class.
Decision 3: Choose a non-surgical knee doctor
The journey to healthy knees includes a non-surgical knee doctor who endorses the McKenzie method.
I recommend a sports medicine doctor who works with athletes. He/she has the best knowledge of healing without surgery. That’s always their goal with athletes. Heal in any way possible without surgery.
I asked my doctor if we should do an MRI?
“Why?” he said. “We’re not even thinking about surgery.” Then, he leaned over and whispered, “The senior orthopedic doctor in our practice and his wife both have a torn meniscus in their knees, and neither he nor his wife have done and will not do surgery.”
Wow! How about that!
“While some cases of meniscal injury do require surgery, it has been shown that meniscus surgery increases the risk for future knee surgery by 30%.” Watson, Lindsay and McKenzie, Treat Your Own Knee
In short, my knee was so painful 90 days ago that I despaired while thinking about all my friends who had knee surgery and whose knees still hurt or are “not right.”
But, this wonderful little book is a light shining in the darkness for knee pain.
Your knee will respond and heal with the simplest daily habits, all listed for your convenience in this little 114-page manual.
What are your experiences or questions about knee pain?
Thank you so much for sharing this personal inspirational journey and information! I am so on board with the Mackenzie method and other means in which to help our bodies heal without additional trauma inducing methods. God bless you and keep you!
Thank you for your encouraging comment Rachael. It’s exciting how well this works for knee, hip, back and shoulder!