Anxiety is locking up many.
Everything’s at stake. Everybody wants control.
Control of our feelings, time and money.
What’s it gonna be? My way or the highway?
But, the all-encompassing power found in three words sets the prisoners free.
Drop anxiety over relationships
Before I share the three words, think about the trap in relationships.
Being right.
Doesn’t matter if it’s your marriage, job or service board, being right is a human obsession.
Anxiety can shred the best with a myth that being right is the end all.
Would you rather be right or be empowered? Empowered and set free.
Now for the three words. The three words that empower.
Drop the rope. That’s right. Drop the rope.

Release the need to be right and suddenly you are released from other’s opinions.
Your appeal is broader when dropping the rope because you are empowered without other’s opinions.
Emotional power and confidence explodes because you trust yourself. You can stop. Be satisfied.
No need to stoke anxiety to prove anything to anybody.
Drop control and watch your relationships bloom.
Drop anxiety over health
The biggest health challenge I faced is neuropathy.
One day out of nowhere, my nervous system lit up like a fourth of July display.
Pain shots fired down my legs to my toes, down my arms to my fingers, up my shoulders to the nerve tips in my lips, ears and tongue.
The light show lasted for two years with a slow wind-down the following two years.
The pain was excruciating and unending. I was in the fight of my life against depression, anxiety and hopelessness.
What I learned is that no matter the health issue, there are four steps everyone must take to drop anxiety.
- Keep you head and don’t panic.
- Wait for the disturbance to settle.
- Google creative solutions. You’ll find them.
- Pray for wisdom and expect insight.
Five years have passed since that chaos and I’m happy to report that a disease that most never recover from has completely exited my body.
Items 3 and 4 brought wonderful relief and answers.
Drop the rope on your disease and trust your perseverance for solutions and God’s wisdom for answers.
Drop anxiety over comparisons
The sure-fire way to madness is non-stop comparisons.
Why not permanently drop the rope on comparisons?
You are a unique human being. No one has your design, slant and style. No one.
One unique person can’t be better or worse than another unique person. Impossible.
It’s easy to be caught in the lie of looking at what society values.
But, placing your value on what society values is like placing your value on quicksand because society values change year to year, decade to decade and in 25 years it doesn’t matter.
Drop the rope over comparing yourself to others.
And when you’re tempted to seize control.
Take Garfield’s advice.
Punt and take a nap.
Or just take a nap.