Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

Apocalypse in Israel: Is Mass Murder and War a Sign of End Times?

Apocalypse in Israel or not, trauma is a daily episode in the modern world.

Israel music festival apocalypse
Israeli soldiers inspect the music festival attack site on October 13, 2023/Associated Press

Survivors of the Supernova music festival in southern Israel say the scene looked like the apocalypse.

  • Sky full of rockets at 6:30 AM
  • Suiciders blocking exits
  • Shooters everywhere

“This may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades.” Jamie Dimon, CEO JP Morgan Chase, 10/13/2023

The chief executive of the world’s largest bank said the terror attack in Israel and the Ukraine war have far-reaching effects on trade, markets and relationships for years to come.

The Bible details a number of alarming signs for “the end of the age.”

Here are two unfolding today with growing lethality.

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Apocalypse in Israel: Is Mass Murder and War a Sign of End Times?

Mourning dove: How to fly through grief with hope

Drinking coffee by the pool this morning, I was missing dad and heard a mourning dove.

He/she sat on the power line above our fence in the backyard.

Mourning dove on grief
Medicine for your loss in song by a dove/Jana Milin/iStock

Sorrow reminds us there is a hole in our heart.

A hole that can’t be filled by anyone else.

Missing folks gone from our lives happens in quiet moments.

Here are three relievers to hang onto during sorrow.

Continue Reading “Mourning dove: How to fly through grief with hope” >
Mourning dove: How to fly through grief with hope

Coach Prime and 99 year-old fan share key lessons for lifelong success

Coach Prime, Deion Sanders, and 99 year-old Colorado fan Peggy Coppom are bonding around winning.

Coach Prime and Peggy
Coach Prime and Peggy Coppom exult in faith that overcomes/Steve Blaising

Their discovery? Faith that doesn’t fail.

Winning faith is fueled by two characteristics.

Continue Reading “Coach Prime and 99 year-old fan share key lessons for lifelong success” >
Coach Prime and 99 year-old fan share key lessons for lifelong success

Experience daily bliss and capture inner calm in a breathtaking prayer garden

My prayer garden removes heavy burdens. It’s easier than you think to find and spend a few minutes every day in a beautiful garden.

Lately, I drive every morning to this landscape of cascading white roses a few miles from my house. 

Prayer garden opens doors
Looking past barriers from your prayer garden/Steve Blaising/Highland Park, TX

At 7:00 am hardly anyone is stirring except birds and rabbits.

Most of the time, the weather co-operates, and I put the top down on my 2001 Benz SLK230.   

I drive slowly as the morning light bathes my soul.  

Good morning Steve.  Here’s another day of magnificent colors, just for you.  I’ll see you in the garden.

This year has been tough as Judy and I have wrestled various health maladies. 

Continue Reading “Experience daily bliss and capture inner calm in a breathtaking prayer garden” >
Experience daily bliss and capture inner calm in a breathtaking prayer garden