Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

Copy This and You’ll Always Know True Love

My dad is 94 and just recently took a turn for the worse with heart failure.

This is hard for me.  Beside the rest of my family, dad is the most loving person I know.

Dad filled with love and hope at sunset
Dad filled with love and hope at sunset/Kate Blaising/November 2016

My sister, Joy, is his caretaker and she called to tell me dad has fluid on his lungs.

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Copy This and You’ll Always Know True Love

Urgent Investment: The Best Move to Make Right Now

Face it.  That’s what much of our life is about.  Investments.

Investments that . . .

  • fulfill our dreams (education/housing)
  • maximize our pleasures (relationships/technology)
  • insulate our fears (healthcare)
Investment in your dreams
Investment payoff for your dreams/PKpix/Shutterstock

Imagine you just received one of those invitations advertising a dinner seminar for the best investment you could ever make.  But, the speaker is quite unique.

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Urgent Investment: The Best Move to Make Right Now

How to survive while your nightmares vanish in 4 clear steps

There’s no euphoria quite like the moment you survive nightmares.

The catch is how you survive until release arrives. 

I have lived through five horrible nightmares. 

Five avalanches that came my way.

survive avalanche nightmares
Avalanche/Michal Bednarek/Shutterstock

Five that I thought I could not survive.  

  • Three health-related
  • One family related
  • One money related

I will share one here. 

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How to survive while your nightmares vanish in 4 clear steps

Emotional pain relief found in Klavan’s “Great Good Thing”

What a Secular Atheistic Jew Discovers About Pain and Endurance

If you are suffering from emotional or physical pain, relief is beautifully painted in Andrew Klavan’s autobiography, The Great Good Thing.

Seeing the great good thing doesn’t happen for Klavan until he comes to terms with his childhood pain.

Pain evolved despite the idyllic suburban life of the Great Gatsby neighborhood in Great Neck, NY.

1970s Great Neck suberbia
Andrew Klavan’s neighborhood in the Go-Go sixties and seventies

His father was a super star DJ on the most popular drive time radio show in NYC. But, the white picket images of the neighborhood could not mask his father’s rage and his mother’s cold indifference.

Rarely do I read a book I can’t close. But, there are so many gems here, I must share three.

Follow the story wherever it goes

No matter what your emotional pain is, you must never give up on your passion. God made you that way. A great lesson from the book is to follow the story wherever it goes.

“But, a writer to find his voice, must first find himself.”  Andrew Klavan

The human heart is story not science.

Story captures the inner life.

Klavan sees therapy and theology as markers for the path.

Some people need therapy before they are well enough to see theology.

Play through the pain

Even in the middle of pain, anger and alcohol, Klavan practiced his passion and gift.

He wrote early and often even as he wrestled the demons.

Late one night over a cigarette, scotch and a Mets game, he is ready to end it all.

scotch and cigarette
Rudolf Vlcek/Moment/Getty images

Exhaling the smoke around his drink, he catches a comment from the announcer.

Continue Reading “Emotional pain relief found in Klavan’s “Great Good Thing”” >
Emotional pain relief found in Klavan’s “Great Good Thing”