Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

Survive any nightmare with a good name

Your name is all you’ve got.  Once it’s gone, everything is gone.

We watched Christine Ford pour out her heart to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

survivng a good name
Ford and Kavanaugh, Who Told the Truth?/Saul Loeb/Getty Images

And then we took a break for lunch before Brett Kavanaugh appeared with heartfelt denials.

The FBI report showed no corroboration of Christine Ford’s sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh.

But, the long-term fallout for both is the damage to their name.

Here are 3 takeaways on how to survive this nasty world with a good name.

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Survive any nightmare with a good name

Three Essentials Necessary for a Wealthy and Peaceful Life

Three essentials for wealth and peace jumped at me from a tree!

3 Essentials for Wealth
500 year old Angel Oak tree/Dale Dudley/Shutterstock

No matter how smart or lucky you are, prosperity can elude your grasp.

You must grow 3 deep roots for a wealthy and peaceful life.

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Three Essentials Necessary for a Wealthy and Peaceful Life

Global Financial Collapse on the Horizon? Hope Not!

Don’t laugh at the possibility of a global financial collapse.

It almost happened ten years ago and I still can’t believe it.

On Sunday September 14, 2008, the Treasury Secretary of the United States was on his cell phone down the hall from his office so no one could hear him.

Hank Paulson was panic stricken and he wanted to talk to his wife Wendy.

“What if the system collapses?  Everybody is looking to me, and I don’t have the answer.  I am really scared.”  Henry M. Paulson Jr., On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System

Let that sink in for a minute.

Could you ever imagine the Treasury Secretary of the United States scared?

Days later he pleas with every leader of our government for quick action.

Imminent financial collapse 2008
The brink of financial collapse 2008/Steve Blaising/The Doctrine of the Future and the Marketplace

Here are four things to know about the possibility of another collapse.

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Global Financial Collapse on the Horizon? Hope Not!

Discover One Thing Everyone Needs for a Rich Life

Jump start a rich life with this simple step from the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness.

Will Smith plays Chris Gardner who went from homeless to multimillionaire.

rich resource for happiness
Will Smith and his son Jaden star in the 2006 movie/RGR Collection/Alamy Stock Photo

He discovered one resource that makes a big difference for happiness.

Continue Reading “Discover One Thing Everyone Needs for a Rich Life” >

Discover One Thing Everyone Needs for a Rich Life

Searching for Happiness but Finding a Miracle

Every summer at Lake Athens, happiness unfolds with special needs and foster kids at a water sports camp.

Skiing With The Galilean ignites joy in those suffering with loss.

water camp ignites happiness
Jack Bryan, center, defies the constraints of Leigh Syndrome at SWTG/Photo by Renae Bryan

I experienced this recently with these precious folks.

You can too.

Continue Reading “Searching for Happiness but Finding a Miracle” >
Searching for Happiness but Finding a Miracle