Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

Discover peace and purpose in the middle of your brokenness

Robert Fulghum may have found peace and purpose for us all when he posed a question to Alexander Papaderos, PhD Philosophy, during a lecture at the site of a Nazi massacre in Crete during WWII.

“What is the meaning of life?”

Fulghum queried Papaderos, the founder of a peace institute built on the site.

Alexander Papaderos was taking questions after his lecture attended by Fulghum.

The famous author, like the rest of the crowd, was horrified after hearing how the Nazis . . .

Fulghum on peace, purpose

  • decimated Papaderos’ village
  • executed hundreds of the villagers
  • threw Papaderos into a concentration camp

And now he stands before this crowd, calmly lecturing and taking questions about this unspeakable murder.

As Fulghum asks about the purpose of life, nervous laughter engulfs the daring question.

But Papaderos willingly answered Fulghum.

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Discover peace and purpose in the middle of your brokenness

Exclusive: Rare Blue Supermoon Puts DNC Leaders to the Test

A rare blue supermoon will light up the night sky as the DNC leaders convene in Chicago.

super moon super leadership
Super blue moon in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India on 08/30/2023/Sipia via AP Images

Maybe God is sending a message.

The time has arrived to focus on big new goals.

Every great movement in politics, faith, or business is open to change.

“We possess all the resources and talents necessary. But the facts of the matter are that we have never made the national decisions or marshaled the national resources required for such leadership. We have never specified long-range goals on an urgent time schedule or managed our resources and time so as to insure their fulfillment.” John F. Kennedy, Speech to Congress, May 1961.

Kennedy challenged the country to put a man on the moon by the end of that decade.

What are political leaders inspiring us to do now?

Continue Reading “Exclusive: Rare Blue Supermoon Puts DNC Leaders to the Test” >
Exclusive: Rare Blue Supermoon Puts DNC Leaders to the Test

Faulty airbag: 3 rules to avoid auto accidents forever

I have avoided auto accidents and faulty airbags all of my life, until last week.

On my way to the gym, I enter an intersection I’ve driven a thousand times.

A black Mazda abruptly turns into me delivering a crashing blow.

Upon impact, airbags from the steering wheel and driver’s door exploded, pulverizing my left arm with abrasions, cuts, and hematomas.

I get out fast.

Continue Reading “Faulty airbag: 3 rules to avoid auto accidents forever” >
Faulty airbag: 3 rules to avoid auto accidents forever

Say Goodbye to Knee Pain: 3 Fixes to Quickly Heal

A few months ago, I was smoldering in knee pain hell.

Escape knee-pain hell

Every step I took made me wanna scream like a mashed cat.

It all began after a 3-mile hike with my cross-country star daughter.

We began at an easy pace until I challenged her with a sprint.

Knee pain begins anywhere
April hiking at Rose Hill in Fredericksburg,TX/Tucker Moore

That was a mistake in more ways than one!

Within three days, I descended into spiraling pain with every step I took.

However, three critical decisions led to the total healing of my knee in 90 days without drugs, surgery, or any invasive needles.

Continue Reading “Say Goodbye to Knee Pain: 3 Fixes to Quickly Heal” >
Say Goodbye to Knee Pain: 3 Fixes to Quickly Heal

How a 9-Year-Old Foster Boy Finds Peace to Overcome Chaos

A 9-year-old foster boy, Marcus, finds peace despite his horrific beginning.

His foster mom, Shirley, told me they found him and his sister, Ava, when they were babies, crying in a closet full of human waste.

But today is different. It is June 11, 2024, and Marcus, his foster mom, and four foster siblings are experiencing heaven on earth at a Christian water sports camp, Skiin’ With The Galilean (SWTG). Twenty-five years ago, United Airlines captain Todd Garrett created SWTG to help foster and special-needs children.

Foster boy finds peace
Foster and special-needs kids find peace and joy at SWTG/Steve Blaising/Lake Athens, TX

After taking the kids and caretakers out on a beautiful lake in beautiful boats, SWTG volunteers bring everyone in for lunch.

As the camp pastor, I invite anyone to talk and pray about troubles privately after a brief devotional.

Shirley, Marcus and Ava’s foster mom, approaches me in tears.

Continue Reading “How a 9-Year-Old Foster Boy Finds Peace to Overcome Chaos” >
How a 9-Year-Old Foster Boy Finds Peace to Overcome Chaos