Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

How to Transform Your Rut into a Runway

Are you trapped in a rut?

Years ago, when folks were adventuring west, they saw this sign in Kansas.

“Choose your rut well, you’re going to be in it for the next 2000 miles.”

Ruts are a big part of life whether we choose them or not.

Bluebonnets rut to runway
Short step from rut to runway/Texas wildflowers/Steve Blaising

Since we fall quickly, it’s good to plan ahead on who will be the guide.

One of the shortest chapters in the Bible shows the way out.

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How to Transform Your Rut into a Runway

How to Choose Joy When Your Past Says Shame

Rebekah Charleston was stuck in a life of shame and sex trafficking for ten years.

But, everything changed when she made a new decision.

Shame survivor Rebekah Charleston
Sex trafficking survivor Rebekah Charleston/Las Vegas Review Journal

You can take life in a beautiful direction at any moment.

Just answer three questions.

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How to Choose Joy When Your Past Says Shame

Discover Surprising Wealth in These Shortcuts to Fortune

The greatest lesson I ever learned about wealth was shared by Kurt Vonnegut at a hedge fund manager’s house party.

Wealth secret one word
The secret to wealth is not what you see in this Hampton’s house party

He was gazing at the lavish digs with his pal Joseph Heller, the author of one of the top 20 novels of all time, Catch-22.

Vonnegut mused over the fact that their host had made more money in a single day than Heller made in a lifetime of royalties from Catch-22.

Heller responded and said . . .

“Yes, but I have something he will never have: Enough.”  JH

Here are three shortcuts for a sure path to wealth.

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Discover Surprising Wealth in These Shortcuts to Fortune