Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

Pain-Free Nerves Are Just 5 Steps Away

Today is the beginning of your pain-free nerves.

All your brain messengers need is a whole lotta love.

In February of 2019, I ran into a burning dumpster of nerve pain called neuropathy.

My pain level was a 10 but I was able to bring it below 1 in twelve months.

Pain free nerves

Would have happened sooner if I knew then what I know now.

Add these simple pain-free habits every day and watch your nerves calm down like a quiet lagoon.

Continue Reading “Pain-Free Nerves Are Just 5 Steps Away” >
Pain-Free Nerves Are Just 5 Steps Away

How to Survive a Batteries-Not-Included Life

Steven Spielberg released a movie in 1987, Batteries Not Included.

The movie captures the plight of an elderly couple who are bullied by a property developer to sell their apartment.

Feeling powerless, the couple is inspired to fight when these E.T.’s come to their aid.

"Batteries Not Included" movie
Connect to super power like the 1987 movie Batteries Not Included/Alamy

It’s the lack of power to stand against big problems that requires batteries!

Here’s what I found to overcome the chaos.

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How to Survive a Batteries-Not-Included Life