Fruitful Life

Fruitful Work

Welcome to the Blaising View blog, where I share treasures I find to enrich your life now.

How Mentally Strong Folks Escape Traumatic Blowups

Mentally strong folks are not perfect.

They’re in balance.

Able to balance emotions with rational thinking.

This formula led Simone Biles to high honor.

Instead of pushing ahead with the “twisties,” she . . .

  • pulled back
  • re-centered
  • won a medal
Mentally strong Simone Biles
Simone Biles bronze medal 2020 Tokyo Olympics/Visual China Group/Getty Images

You don’t have to be flawless to succeed.

Just refuse three mental traps ready to devour your sanity.

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How Mentally Strong Folks Escape Traumatic Blowups

Embrace the Bright Side: Finding Joy in the Midst of an Apocalyptic Summer

Chaos is smothering joy faster than heat on a Portland biker.

No joy this summer
Heat dome sucking joy out of the Pacific Northwest/Nathan Howard/Getty Images

We see . . .

  • tragedies in the Florida condo collapse
  • Texas and California electricity shortage
  • heat melting the Pacific Northwest

Plenty of news to be down.

But, one of God’s tiny creatures shows us how to choose joy.

Continue Reading “Embrace the Bright Side: Finding Joy in the Midst of an Apocalyptic Summer” >
Embrace the Bright Side: Finding Joy in the Midst of an Apocalyptic Summer

Is Catastrophe Looming in the Texas Power Grid?

Shortcuts are haunting Texas residents again as the state’s power manager, ERCOT, warns of electricity outages.

Texans preserving electricity in June 2021/Athens, TX

The Texas power grid was not built in a day.

But, it broke down in one day, February 15, 2021.

At 1:25 AM, ERCOT set off rolling power outages.

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Is Catastrophe Looming in the Texas Power Grid?

How you know God is a fisherman

Kids remind me why God is a fisherman.

God is a fisherman
Fishing in wonder/Derek Owens/Unsplash

It happened this past weekend on our dock.

Connor, age 10, jumped with glee when the large fish hit the line.

“It’s a jumbo!” shouted his 8 year old brother Benjamin.

“I wanna catch a fish!” yelled 5 year old Harry.

The boys saw something we should see everyday.

Continue Reading “How you know God is a fisherman” >
How you know God is a fisherman