On Sunday morning, January 30, she jumps from a 60-story building.
Why? Why? Why?
Looks like she had it all.
Law degree
Beauty queen
TV correspondent
But, “she was dealing with high-functioning depression,” her mother said.
In March 2021, Cheslie wrote an essay in Allure Magazine.
“Turning 30 feels like a cold reminder that I’m running out of time to matter in society’s eyes. How do I shake society’s unwavering norms when I’m facing the relentless tick of time? I discovered that the world’s most important question, especially when asked repeatedly and answered frankly, is: why? Why work so hard to capture the dreams I’ve been taught by society to want when I continue to find only emptiness?” Selected quotes, Allure Magazine, March 4, 2021
Three pathways light our escape from emptiness and depression.
The best investment you ever make has three outstanding qualities.
They are beautifully wrapped in this ancient verse.
Send out your breadupon the waters, for after many days you will get it back.Divide your merchandise among seven or eight investments, for you do not know what calamity may happen on earth.Ecclesiastes 11:1–2
“Send”, “waters” and “divide” are clues for investment success.