Volodymyr Zelenskyy knows how to fight.

No panic. No doubt. No retreat.
Last stands are usually doomed. Otherwise, it’s not a last stand, right?
Yet, they often signify a turning point where the group expending its all in a final act emerges the victor.
For this to happen in Ukraine, we remember two examples.
The Jews at Masada (73/74 AD)/Warsaw (1943)
The battles at Masada and Warsaw marked near ends for the Jews.
In two spectacular fights, millennia apart, the Jews were killed almost to the last man.
At Masada, the Romans massacred their freedom and identity (destruction of the Temple).
In Warsaw, German troops slaughtered or deported Jews to death camps and torched their homes.
But, the Jews used their suffering as motivation to reclaim their land in 1948.
Faith and courage fuel excellence.
As of June 16, 2021, Israel had 85 companies valued at $300 billion listed on the NASDAQ.
The Greeks at Thermopylae (480 BC)
How do men facing certain death stay calm and strong in the middle of horrific odds?
That’s what Xerxes, commander of 10,000 “Immortals,” thought when his spy gave this report of the 300 Spartans guarding the narrow gates leading to Greece.
“The Persian rider took a thorough survey of all he could see outside the wall. These happened to be Spartans, and some of them were stripped for exercise, while others were combing their hair. The Persian spy watched them in astonishment, nevertheless he made sure of their numbers, and then rode quietly off.” Herodotus, The Histories, translated by Aubrey de Selincourt
The 300 held off and killed thousands of Xerxes’ soldiers before succumbing to sheer numbers.
But, their courage set the tone for the Persians defeat a year later at Plataea.
“He who falls obstinate in his courage, if he has fallen, he fights on his knees.” Seneca
Fight to Finish Lessons from Zelenskyy
- Love binds loyalty.
- Serve those you lead.
- Teach through modeling.
- Communicate with passion.
- Ask only for what you will do yourself.
- Increase motivation by taking others with you.
- What you are is more important than what you say.
Who or what inspires you to stand strong?
Bravo Steve, excellent article.
I appreciate your historical insights.
And yes, the President of Ukraine is showing the world his amazing display of courage on many levels.
Thank you Ben. Good to hear from you!