Can you know scientifically that your ancestry is from the heavens rather than caves?
Lurking behind depression is a Bigfoot myth that first life is scientifically proven to be from materials.
You wake up every day thinking, “I’m nothing but a monkey’s nephew or niece,” an animal with no other purpose but to survive and exploit anyone or anything in the way.
Our children learn that first life originated from primitive materials and that this is science.
So a foundation of despair and meaninglessness is laid early.
But, a growing number of scientists are publicly acknowledging the dismal failures of materialistic explanations for first life.
Award-winning Finnish bio-scientist Matti Leisola details these failures at length in his recent book, Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey From Darwin to Design.
Over 40 years collaborating and debating facts with Nobel prize winning scientists, Matti flipped from Darwin to Intelligent Design (ID).
The startling takeaway is how many brilliant scientists take evolution on faith without examining the facts.

Another takeaway is how caustic and dismissive entrenched evolutionary scientists are toward any alternative when facts point away from Darwinism.
Their careers and livelihood depend on an old theory losing ground badly.
Here’s why the facts point to Intelligent Design over random accident for earliest life.
DNA screams design
An intellectual bombshell was dropped in December 2004 when the world’s leading atheist, British professor Antony Flew, changed his mind and affirmed the existence of a deity. Why?
He said the genetic structure is too complex for biological life to have arisen on its own.
“What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements together.” Antony Flew
Folks rarely change their worldview after age 30 which makes this radical change by an 81 year old scholar stunning.
Flew did not convert to Christianity or start quoting the Bible.
He came out strong for an intelligent designer because of DNA evidence.
Flew’s change came from a long held principle of following the evidence wherever it leads.
Laboratories scream design
Over the last 40 years, Matti Leisola, whose specialty is enzymes, keeps his eyes peeled for any lab results anywhere in the world claiming to have reproduced enzyme evolution.
Result? Nada.
But, the Darwin cheering squad is always making noise saying the origin of life from unassisted molecules has happened in the lab when it absolutely has not.
For example, the public and our children have been led to believe this starting from a 1953 experiment.

Text books state that Stanley Miller and Harold Urey painstakingly “assembled, sealed, connected, simulated, provided and performed” (descriptions of Miller and Urey making it all happen) activities that “could have” formed the molecules of early life. And then statements are added like it happened.
Our Darwin skeptic adds this observation.
“The ‘official’ view remains that life appeared spontaneously, not long after the conditions were right, with no need for intelligent design. But there is no evidence for this view, and laboratory work on the issue has only made matters worse. Fred Hoyle (Facts and Dogmas in Cosmology and Elsewhere) provided a good summary on the matter. ‘Needless to say, no such demonstration has ever been given. Nothing happens when organic materials are subject to the usual prescriptions of showers of electrical sparks or drenched in ultraviolet light, except the eventual production of a tarry sludge.'” Matti Leisola, Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey From Darwin to Design
Are we suppose to believe that nature . . .
- produced the chemical “letters” of DNA?
- made the sugars ribose and deoxyribose?
- invented a self-replicating molecule, DNA or RNA?
- invented the technique to make twenty distinct amino acids?
- combined these amino acids into complex protein machines?
- after this, changed this machine for DNA to code for amino acids, etc?
- and finally invent a membrane system that isolated these results from the nasty environment?
Matti Leisola in Heretic . . . presents a wealth of documented lab facts pointing to design as the only rational explanation for the origin of a living cell which is far more than just “nucleic acids and proteins. It has the sophistication of a factory or a city.”
Ancestry screams design
Reflect with Matti Leisola and Antony Flew every day that your ancestry did not come from caves.
Your ancestry is from the heavens.
Psalm 8:3–6 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God, And You crown him with glory and majesty! You make him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet.
What is your favorite reminder that you are special?