Pain, like your life, exists only in a moment.

But you can triumph over pain with five unstoppable solutions.
Each moment gives way to the next, and hopefully, the next is a breakthrough to relief.

I’m not playing mind games or naive about traumatic pain.
I’m simply pointing to an essential fact about pain and time.
Everything gets better with time, whether it’s relief or perspective.
Bethany Thompson’s arm was chewed off by a Tiger Shark when she was 15.
- She lost 60% of her blood
- Suffered immense trauma and pain
- Battled back to become a national surfing champion
She attributes the inspiration of her recovery to her Christian faith.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
This quote comes from the Apostle Paul, who was stoned, beaten, whipped, attacked, imprisoned, and shipwrecked multiple times over.
Do you think he suffered from chronic pain and depression?
“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.” 2 Corinthians 1:8
He did, and yet he insisted that trouble, like pain, changes moment by moment.
More in a minute about Bethany’s triumph over pain.
#1: Stop believing the pain myth
Funny how the human mind is ready to call any pain LIFELONG.
This is revolutionary because the mind often lies about pain.
That’s why opioids target the brain rather than the real source.
Your pain may be . . .
- Neuropathy
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Cancer
But whatever the source, pain exists entirely in the present moment and no more.
To wit: many women will tell you they have no memory of childbirth pain.
#2: Use creativity for new perspective on pain
Creativity can be a solid ally in your flight from pain.
Creativity is curious about the overlooked option.
Creativity means operating from a different center, vantage point, or angle.
“The great ones today are ordinary folk who have opened up their lives to a new dimension and who do not simply tolerate difficulties but lean into them. Remind yourself everyday that you have power within to encounter the mishaps and transcend them.” Tim Hansel
#3: Asking the right questions leads to solutions
Faith and curiosity led to my recovery from a herniated disc in 2009.
I called my plastic surgeon buddy for a physical therapy referral, which led me to a PT tech who had survived three herniated discs.
He referred me to . . .
- an outstanding neck stretching device,
- an outstanding interventional pain doctor
After six months, my herniated disc retracted, and all pain disappeared.
The same doctor led us to the best treatment for my wife’s back.
Today, her back is fixed; she is taller, happier, and ready to rumble.
Well, maybe not rumble.
#4: The Bethany Hamilton formula
Imagine the trauma when Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a 15-foot tiger shark.
- No anesthesia
- No preparation for trauma
- No hospital in sight
And yet she found the beach for healing and triumph. Here’s how she did it.
What are your ideas for conquering pain?
Grace, Truth, and Time…
Jesus came full of Grace and Truth (John 1) and Paul tells us to Speak Truth in Love …(Ephesians 4) and to Mature (process over Time) in all ways unto Christ. Indeed, the journey is to replicate, not ruminate. Be the carrier of good for eternity.
Love the reminder Bruce that we have a high purpose for good works whether we are in pain or not. So much of maturity is the ability to endure. Thanks for sharing!