Leaving the restaurant on our blind double date, Judy kicked off her high heels before sliding into the back seat of the 1986 Cadillac Sedan de Ville, looked into my eyes and said “kiss me.” Oh my! Talk about sparks! This was fireworks John Philips Sousa style! Our first date! But, a sparkling marriage depends more on its base camp than its mountain top.

Sparks ignite a marriage
I don’t care what anyone says about all the keys to a happy marriage. Sparks or the lack thereof tell you everything about the potential in a long term relationship.
I’m thinking about this now because I will officiate a wedding this upcoming weekend for a beautiful young couple filled with hope and joy for a lifelong future together.
I’ve officiated maybe a hundred or so weddings and I have yet to see no sparks when the bride and groom turn and face me at the top of the aisle. The only exception was when a young bride in preparation for the ceremony asked if I would repeat in the same voice what the clergyman did in The Princess Bride.

“Mawage. Mawage is what bwings us togethu today. Mawage, dat bwessed awangement, dat dweam within a dweam. And wuv, twu wuv, wiw fowo you fowevah an evah… So tweasuw you wov” Clergyman, “The Princess Bride”
My car battery lasted longer than that marriage.
“The moment of marriage should be one of the brightest in life.” SB
King David compared that great moment to a sunrise.
“In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion.” Psalm 19:5
But, how does the sun keep shining for husband and wife?
Sizzle maintains a marriage
Three simple but clear ideas for a beautiful sizzle in your marriage.
FRIENDSHIP . . . is the silver lining for a beautiful marriage. Friends love and share the pleasure and pain of everyday life. David’s son, Solomon said “Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of your life. Go and eat your food in gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do.” He didn’t say to enjoy it alone. But, enjoy it with your “wife” because marriage is a gift of two great societies or personalities coming together.
FAITH . . . Seven great words everyone must know. They were spoken by Jesus.
“Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23
There is unlimited potential for solving and surviving life’s biggest problems in your marriage when you open the door to faith, power from God in the unseen realm.
HOPE . . . Just like mountain climbers have hope for reaching the highest summit, so does everyone aiming for a beautiful marriage. Climbing mountains requires a good base camp. A place where there is shelter and provisions. A place to rest and nurture.
Besides FRIENDSHIP, FAITH and HOPE, there is . . .
Steam motors a marriage
LOVE . . . Paul said, “There are three things that remain.”
Three things that hold fast.
Three things that will anchor you and your family.
- Faith
- Hope
- Love
And the greatest of these is love.
Everyone wants to be loved. Everyone wants to belong.
If you could have just one verse in the Bible to live by and cling to, it’s this one.

Love is patient. Love is kind. 1 Cor. 13:4
The one who is most qualified to lead a marriage is the one who loves.
Leadership entails the best interest of everyone in marriage and family.
The question is not: “Will they do what I say?” but “Why should they listen to me?”
The secret of a great marriage?
Love with energy, commitment and attention, not just “tweasuw yu wuv.”
What ingredients would you add for a great marriage?
Well said, and a great reminder to us all. Even those of us who have been married 37 years! Thanks Steve.
37 year marriages are a great testament to the base camp Sandy!
Steve, another smart and motivational post. Thank you, Steve M
I appreciate the comment Steve.