One of the most successful investment gurus ever asked that his 24 motivators for great success be read at his funeral service.

Great leaders like Richard Jenrette, who co-founded Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette in 1959, often leave golden nuggets to help the rest of us find our way.
The 24 rules, which always sat on his desk, were read aloud.
They are entitled “What I Learned: 24 Rules for a Successful Life.”
What I Learned: 24 Rules for a Successful Life by Richard Jenrette
1. Stay in the game. That’s often all you need to do — don’t quit. Stick around! Don’t be a quitter!
2. Don’t burn bridges (behind you).
3. Remember — Life has no blessing like a good friend! You can’t get enough of them.
4. Don’t leave old friends behind — you may need them.
5. Try to be nice and say “thank you” a lot!
6. Study — Stay Educated. Do Your Homework!! Keep learning!
7. Cultivate friends of all ages — especially younger ones.

8. Run Scared — over-prepare.
9. Be proud — no Uriah Heep for you! But not conceited. Know your own worth.
10. Plan ahead, but be prepared when an opportunity presents itself.
11. Turn problems into opportunities. This is very often possible. Problems create opportunities for change, and people are willing to consider change when there are problems.
12. Present yourself well. Clean, clean-shaven, dress “classically” to age. Beware of style and trends. Look for charm. Good grammar. Don’t swear so much — it’s not cute.
13. But be open to change — don’t be stuck in mud. Be willing to consider what’s new but don’t blindly follow it. USE YOUR HEAD — COMMON SENSE.
14. Have some fun — but not all the time!
15. Be on the side of the Angels. Wear the White Hat.
16. Have a fall-back position—the heir and the spare. Don’t leave all your money in one place.
17. Learn a foreign language.
18. Travel a lot — around the world, if possible.
19. Don’t criticize someone in front of others.
20. Don’t forget to praise a job well done (but don’t praise a poor job).
21. I don’t like to lose — but don’t be a poor loser if you do.
22. It helps to have someone to love who loves you (not just sex).
23. Keep your standards high in all you do.
24. Look for the big picture, but don’t forget the small details.
What are your favorite rules for a long and happy life?
See #4.
This is a perfect reason for not leaving friends behind. Thank you Steve for this wonderful reminder/learning opportunity.
Matt, I have witnessed time and again the sad consequences of folks who “cut off” relationships. The cutter suffers the most. Thanks for sharing!