Grab Three Treats for a Magical Life

Every season is magical.

Why not re-enchant yourself with three fresh treats?

Magical mornings with God
Connecting with God each morning is a magical life/Lake Athens/Steve Blaising

Treat #1:  Every beauty illuminates God

God’s signs are everywhere.

That’s why sun light is the central image of my blog because that’s God’s trumpet calling the world’s attention every day.

Attention to what?

  • Early summer light on a lake
  • Pear-colored leaves on a fall morning
  • Dark navy clouds breaking for a golden sun after a storm

What are these saying?

Treat #2 Be filled by God’s beauty

Light every day is God’s sign for re-enchantment.

Bryce Canyon magical colors
Red rocks and pink cliffs in Antelope Canyon/Photo by Bridget Guthrie

C. S. Lewis describes an experience of seeing a beam of light in a dark tool shed.

Looking at the beam, all he could see was the light itself and the dust particles floating inside the beam.

He shifted position to where he was looking along the beam of light.

Only then did he see a tree outside.  And beyond that, the sun.

“Looking along the beam, and looking at the beam are very different experiences.”  C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock:  Essays on Theology and Ethics

Shifting positions allows us to see the source of all this earthly beauty.

Magical path to re-enchantment
Lighted path to renchantment/Photo by Bridget Guthrie

Don’t settle with the mindless zombies in The Walking Dead who simply shuffle around in herds for another pound of flesh to devour.

Stay with the survivors who look from a different position, who look for a “far off country.”

The path is right in front of us imbibed with light, color and hope.

Treat #3:  Find your story in beauty’s call

In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot, one of the characters bellows “beauty will save the world.”

What does he mean?

Beauty is connection.  Disenchantment is disconnection.

Our society tells us to buy more stuff when we suffer depression or loneliness.

So we treat our suffering with the wrong remedies.

Why not build a foundation for enchantment?  Start by . . .

  • valuing every person, every creature and all of creation
  • walking, working and playing outside
  • meditating and praying by rivers and streams
Magical mountain stream meditation
Spring time mountain stream/Photo by Bridget Guthrie

Building connection with God and people fans the joy of enchantment.

What are your thoughts on how to re-enchant the world?

Grab Three Treats for a Magical Life

6 thoughts on “Grab Three Treats for a Magical Life

  1. Cheryl Rhodes says:

    Steve, so glad your wife encouraged me to read your blog this morning. I needed this reminder to stay positive with life in general and look for the good and beautiful that is all around us. Love the quotes from Steve… So inspired not only by your words but by Bridget’s gorgeous pictures.

    1. Cheryl, all of us need encouragement everyday. You just did that by sharing your feelings. Reminds us that together we are lifted and supported because we carry one another’s burdens. Yes, Bridget captured inspirational beauty in these photos! Thanks for sharing your thoughts today.

  2. Steve Morris says:

    “Turn over a rock and I am there”
    Book of Tomas from The DaVinci Code
    “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get!” Ingrid Bergman

  3. Andy says:

    You might like a book I recently read – “Barking to the Choir” – by Gregory Boyle, SJ. I finished it on Monday and reading it a 2nd time. Happy Halloween! Andy

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