The beach inspires us with images about happiness.

Dolphins. Sand. Water. Wind. Sun. Footprints. Tides. Umbrellas. Pools.
Each reminds us of three beach treasures for a happier and healthier life.
#1: Have compassion like a dolphin
Just as I step onto our Gulf Shores balcony, a baby dolphin flies out of the water followed by a pod of family and friends.
Everyone happy. Everyone together. Everyone . . .

- talking
- schooling
- working
- playing
Do you know that dolphins sleep with one eye open watching for sharks?
They do it for everyone including us!
- On November 25, 2020, six-year-old Elian Gonzalez drew a picture of dolphins pushing him up during his rescue in the Gulf.
- On August 28, 2007, the Discovery Channel publicized the rescue of Todd Endris by dolphins from a Great White Shark.
“The dolphins were going absolutely crazy and really saved my life. I feel like they were jumping over the top of me and swarming around me. They kind of created a wall between me and the shark.” Todd Endris, 11/16/2007
If dolphins care, don’t we?
#2: Choose the high road
Better than lounging, I like walking the beach.
I love swooshing the tide between my toes.
But, I’m stable higher up on the sand.
Just above the wave line.
The beach reminds us where the least resistance is.
The high road.
Take it every day and enjoy the peace.
#3: No perfect trip
My wife, Judy, was the travel writer for the Dallas Morning News in the eighties and then travel editor of the Houston Chronicle.
Where does she want to go now?

The beach. Especially Gulf Shores and Mexico.
But when I ask her . . .
- which beach
- which resort
. . . she reminds me there is no perfect trip.
But, there is the simplicity of going and enjoying now.
Don’t wait for everything to be perfect.
“Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.” Ecclesiastes 11:4
Make your best plans and don’t be afraid to take risks.
Just keep one eye open for hurricanes.