My prayer garden removes heavy burdens. It’s easier than you think to find and spend a few minutes every day in a beautiful garden.
Lately, I drive every morning to this landscape of cascading white roses a few miles from my house.

At 7:00 am hardly anyone is stirring except birds and rabbits.
Most of the time, the weather co-operates, and I put the top down on my 2001 Benz SLK230.
I drive slowly as the morning light bathes my soul.
Good morning Steve. Here’s another day of magnificent colors, just for you. I’ll see you in the garden.
This year has been tough as Judy and I have wrestled various health maladies.
There always seems to be a surprise malady. But, my prayer garden doesn’t worry. It’s not bothered by what’s wrong because it’s a gateway to all possibilities. “With God, all things are possible.”
I pull my little Benz next to the curb and pour more coffee sensing a communication.
I designed all of this for you. Trust me to lead you clearly and gently in the right path. I’m with you in every step for your good.
How a prayer garden impacts your day
God loves gardens. They display his beauty and power. He comforts and strengthens us there.
Throughout the Bible, God meets people in gardens . . .
- in happy times like Eden, Gen. 2:8
- in suffering times like Gethsemene, Mat. 26:3
- in recovery times like Golgotha, John 19:41
- in hopeful times like the Heavenly Garden, Rev. 22:1
Embrace daily time in your prayer garden and God will meet you there.
I made this garden to comfort you. These flowers, the gentle oaks and the soaring dove are your companions. All of these are your friends and allies. They are here as I am to strengthen you for the day. Amid the chaos, crowds or crises, I am with you. There is no step you will take that I am not by your side. When you see my trees and creatures above and below, remember, I made them like you and because I care for them, how much more will I care for you?
How a prayer garden overcomes obstacles
This morning I’m stunned by a message. Right in the middle of these flowers and trees are obstacles. A fence and a wall. Some would interpret them as boundaries and maybe they are. But, a Voice speaks to me . . . Whatever is blocking the serenity in your life, focus on two things and you will overcome. Focus on love and faithfulness. They are keys for overcoming barriers.
What? OK. Then, I remember this proverb.
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” Proverbs 3:3-4
1. Love
Love knocks down barriers. Love gathers all of the parties you need . . .
- to solve conflicts
- secure healing
- find strength
- add joy
My prayer garden hooks me up to God’s love.
Observing all of this beauty reminds me how much God loves the earth, the creatures and the people.
All of the beauty we see outside is a reminder of God’s love and care.
- Love is kind and won’t self-destruct your progress.
- Love is patient to wait and see the right direction.
- Love endures everything with perseverance.
- Love bears all things and won’t panic.
Lean forward with love and you will leap over barriers.
2. Faithfulness
These garden meetings are having a big impact on me.
A softness and joy is added to my steps.
Allow me to transform your life by meeting with me daily. I offer you peace that the world does not understand because it’s stuck in a tyranny of empty and needless choices. As I surround our meeting, feel my security replace anxiety. Begin your day with victory not failure. Anticipate satisfaction not heartbreak. Imagine all of the good I am bringing. I am working all of this out for your future. Yes, it is possible to maintain this optimism. Optimism like faithfulness is a choice. You can choose this because I am your rock. Set your feet on me and I will stand you up.
“If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13
After a few minutes, I start the little red Benz and drive away knowing that God is my rock.
I pass another garden reminding me that God’s energy flows inside us like a stream of rushing water.
How do gardens enhance your spiritual and mental health?
Love your peaceful place! Thanks for sharing!
Found it driving around. You can too! Great to hear from you Rhonda!