Escape the pit of despair with these 3 powerful elevators

When despair sticks your heart in the mud, the best way out is an express elevator.

The fastest elevator ride in my life was recently with my son, Jack, on the outside of the Comcast Center building in Philadelphia.

As soon as we stepped on, the door shut and we shot off the ground like a clown in a circus cannon.

  • People turned to ants
  • Buildings turned to legos
  • Streetlights to toothpicks

The sky shot reminds me of three express elevators beckoning all of us out of the pit of despair.

Despair elevator #1: Perspective

Not long ago, I was in a pit of despair over who knows what.

I shared those feelings with a good friend who said, “This is just a period when you will have to be patient.”

See the optimism in that response?

“A period,” (it will end) “when you will have to be patient” (your maturity).

I left our lunch totally at peace with perspective.

  • It will be temporary
  • Maturity is capable

Surely, I am patient enough to see this through as I have the past.

Despair elevator #2: Friends

Good friends are like believing mirrors.

They listen and reflect the possibilities for your future.

They have your best interest at heart and enjoy your potential as you do theirs.

“A friend is one before whom I may think out loud.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hemingway and Fitzgerald met often at Deux Magots in Paris to encourage each other.

J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis and buddies met weekly at the “Eagle and Child” pub in Oxford.

My church buddies and I gather at the Honor Bar in Dallas to reflect love and optimism.

Friends rescue from despair

Despair elevator #3: Higher power

For a believing mirror, everything is possible and nothing is too good to be true.

My 5th grade Sunday School teacher was a believing mirror.

Mrs. Vaughn would say, “Whatever happens Steve, plant your feet on the goodness of God.”

I don’t know if it was the philosophy or the way she said my name, but I’ll never forget it.

Trusting God’s goodness every day is a powerful step out of the hole.

Perspective, quality friends and faith in God are your express elevators out of despair every day.

What are your favorites?

Escape the pit of despair with these 3 powerful elevators

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