Don’t Overthink It! Three Keys to Simplify Your Life

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Instead of being sucked into “you’re not good enough” or “you don’t have enough,” simplify by not overthinking anything.

Start with three common obsessions.

  • Cars
  • Clothes
  • Money

#1: Don’t overthink cars

Years ago I wrote a column for the Dallas Business Journal, “Add $1,000,000 to Your Net Worth Driving Used Cars.”

I argued that driving preowned cars over a lifetime pays off with . . .

  • lower insurance premiums
  • lower car or no lease payments
  • lower repair fees

I don’t care that my 2009 Acura MDX is Bluetoothless.

Neither does it have those fancy computer chips like this 2021 Tesla SUV which launched ten feet from a parking spot into my gym.

I thought he accidentally stepped on the accelerator.

But, the driver said his foot was on the brake when the SUV took off.

2021 Tesla SUV
Brand new 2021 Tesla SUV launches into the gym wall

I don’t know how much they cost, but I’m sure he paid big bucks.

Instead, buy older preowned cars and limit technology failure.

#2: Don’t overthink clothes

Steve Jobs wore blue jeans and a black pullover every day.

Who cares if you wear the same thing?

Go with it and watch your bank account grow.

Funny how the same dress or the same shirt is the favorite for outings.

Wear it everywhere until it just wears out.

Vogue magazine’s creative director usually wore black.

Probably the same outfit.

“I don’t want to think about what I’m wearing in the morning; I want to put all my focus on the clothes I’m shooting. It’s like a uniform. You don’t have to make a decision about it. I spend my whole life making decisions.” Grace Coddington, Vogue Magazine

Grace Coddington simplify life
jauretsi from USA, Grace Coddington, CC BY-SA 2.0

#3: Don’t overthink money

Money makes or breaks a life well-lived.

Money is a tool of habits despite . . .

  • education
  • background
  • interruptions

After 40 years of observing money habits in the rich and not so rich, I believe personal spending habits play the biggest role in financial stability.

Not education. Not privilege.

Just humble simple habits.

  • Drive the same car.
  • Stay in your house or apartment.
  • Be debt free as quick as you can.

Simple and wise choices have no regrets.

What’s your experience?

Don’t Overthink It! Three Keys to Simplify Your Life

6 thoughts on “Don’t Overthink It! Three Keys to Simplify Your Life

  1. Totally spot on Steve. I too drive a 2009 Acura MDX, not because I can’t afford a Ferrari, but because I rather give my excess wealth to society, not my kids. I already gave them plenty.

    1. There’s something about saying the words “don’t overthink it” that triggers the brain to release and let go. Maybe it’s just me, but it helps! Great to hear from you Jeff.

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