You can lead a happier life if you embrace a blue space twice a week.

Even if you don’t live by a lake, this habit makes you happier and healthier.
Studies support life-changing effects of water
A recent study on what makes a happier life found that actual visits to water have a bigger impact than location by water.
“We find that people who visit the coast, for example, at least twice weekly tend to experience better general and mental health. Some of our research suggests around two hours a week is probably beneficial, across many sectors of society.” Dr. Lewis Elliot, University of Exeter
Even Jesus made regular visits to the lake by Galilee.
If the Son of God refreshed his soul regularly by water, how much more us?
“That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea.” Matthew 13:1

But, I don’t live by a beach!
Work with what you have.
“You can’t change where the coast is, but when we’re talking about translating the benefits to other types of environments, there is nothing to stop a well-designed urban fountain.” Dr. Lewis Elliot
Retreats for a happier life
A blue space has air, sunlight and an invitation to refresh your body.
Rhythm for the soul. Rhythm for the senses. Rhythm for the spirit.

Faith thrives in a blue space energizing mind and body.
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
And with burdens quenching our spirit we need to renew by water.

Can you feel shoulders drop when approaching the blue space?
Fear and anxiety are lifted like a bridle off a horse.
Play-time for a fresh soul
When you are sailing, fishing or swimming, you’re in tune with natural and supernatural forces.
“You can immerse yourself in it (the sea), which you can’t really do with a green space.” Catherine Kelly
Time by water reminds us that much of life is letting go.
That’s exactly what a water ski bible camp, Skiin’ With The Galilean (SWTG) does with foster and special needs kids.
Hundreds of kids and families let go of their burdens in the love of God while tubing, water skiing and swimming at two of the most beautiful lakes in Texas.

Everyone lets go of fear and anxiety in a blue space.
- The able let go of worldly cares
- The disabled let go of weakness
For a time, the blue space becomes a microcosm of the Kingdom of God.
No wonder the Bible opens with the Spirit “hovering over the waters.”
How do you recharge?
Steve – Yes I would agree – In the early 1980’s I was lucky enough to live in Monterey CA – I felt as if I could figure anything out or at least feel a whole lot better about things after a walk on Monterey State Beach or Carmel Beach, which I did often.
Isn’t it amazing how fresh our mind is in a natural setting? Thanks Jeff!
We had a place on Lake Livingston from 2006-2014 that was my retreat. I could feel my BP reducing when I stepped out of my truck onto the driveway, and the nights we had with the windows opened and the sound of the water lapping against the bulkhead were the best sleep I experienced all year. We could spend the whole day trolling for white bass with our two dogs on our pontoon boat and truly experience PEACE, even when we did not catch many fish. We sure hated for Sunday afternoon to come along signaling the return back to the rat-race!! Our Creator created a beautiful world and I need to slow down and enjoy it more.
It’s comforting for all of us to share your joy at the lake Kent. We also share the angst of returning to the city which is all the more reason to find a blue space close by and sit, reflect and pray. Thanks for sharing!
This is so very true!! As soon as I step into our house at Lake Athens, the stress just falls off Steve! Water is truly a healing, spiritual force!
You and your family are blessed for that little piece of heaven!