What Happens When Disadvantages Deliver Fortune

Disadvantages hold the secret to finding fortune.

Disadvantages leading to fortune
Disadvantages are the advantages to use on the path to fortune/Unsplash

Here are four common disadvantages converted into fortune every day.

Fortune is a destination not a circumstance 

Mistaking disadvantages as a destination is a shortcut to misery.

Even critters avoid that mistake.

“Four things are small on the earth, but they are exceedingly wise.  The ants are not a strong folk, but they prepare their food in the summer.  The badgers are not mighty folk, yet they make their houses in the rocks.  The locusts have no king, yet all of them go out in ranks.  The lizard you may grasp with the hands, yet it is in kings’ palaces.”  Proverbs 30:24-27

Overcoming size mismatches is a theme seen over and over in the Bible.

  • It never occurs to the ant that a size disadvantage is a reason to quit.
  • It never occurs to the badger that he is lacking the skills of a beaver.
  • It never occurs to the locust that they have no charismatic leader.
Locusts overcoming size disadvantage
Locusts marching together in the Negev Desert, Israel/Gil Wizen

It never occurs to the lizard he has no home!

Disadvantages make you play the game well

Look at Israel.

They are a tiny Mediterranean country surrounded by hostile enemies.

Israel overcoming size disadvantage
Israel’s culture is a history of overcoming size disadvantages

In spite of being threatened daily since 1948, Israel has grown economically.

As of this writing, Israel, known as the Startup Nation, has 94 companies listed on the NASDAQ.

China has 132, but 1 billion more people live in China!

Many people think of Israel as a war torn country.

But, they use a size disadvantage to build wealth into fortune.

They do it with faith, networking and discipline.

Faith is a power-generator of well being

Unlimited power from God is the strength found by the men and women who performed great feats in Israel’s history.

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”  Jeremiah 17:7-8

Trusting God negates disadvantages
Trusting God is like a tree by the stream/Steve Blaising/Lake Athens, TX

This power from faith is very fruitful.

Not your everyday networker

Losing momentum for success happens when vision turns inward.

Instead of hyper-competition,  Israel has a networking vibe.

Folks move to Israel to start new and fresh.

They take risks and they share a common bond to improve.

The formula for boosting disadvantages into fortune?

  • Faith
  • Networking
  • Discipline

What is a success you claimed in spite of the odds?

What Happens When Disadvantages Deliver Fortune

4 thoughts on “What Happens When Disadvantages Deliver Fortune

  1. Aaron Thomas says:

    I claimed a wealth of sustenance. Not a lot of money by any definition, yet the wisdom and knowledge that it takes to stand in a world where it appears that only the wealthy thrive and flourish in itself is a form of wealth. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to face the facts everyday that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen, and even more courage to recognize that even after 40 years of operating such faith that you still only get to have what the wealthy allow you to have. SAD.

    1. Aaron,

      Thank you for this perspective that surely rings around the world. I hope many read your comment because many feel and identify with your perspective and sentiment. This Old Testament passage I refer to regarding the “four things on earth are small, yet extremely wise” has been a great encouragement to me because God has blessed folks with the potential of thinking when circumstances are not favorable. Most of my life, circumstances have not been in my favor. I understand what you are saying.

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