Defeat Despair Like Alice Johnson Defeats Injustice

Defeat is not an Alice Johnson word except when speaking about injustice.

Alice Johnson left millions speechless after her speech last week.

She emerged from a 22-year prison term with . . .

  • no bitterness
  • no hate
  • no blame
Defeat injustice Alice Johnson
Alice Johnson filled with joy after Trump commuted her prison sentence/BBC

Unwrap 3 treasures to wipe out injustice in the USA.

Defeat injustice with personal greatness

She had never been in trouble, but trouble found Alice.

How do you turn injustice around when they hand you “life + 25 years?”

Alice Johnson speaking at the RNC January 27, 2020

My favorite part of the speech . . .

“While in prison, I became a playwright, a mentor, a certified hospice volunteer, an ordained minister, and received the special olympics event coordinator of the year award for my work with disabled women because the only thing worse than unjustly imprisoning my body is trying to imprison my mind.” AJ

“While in prison” this woman turns injustice into a pedestal for greatness.

To walk the way Alice walks means moving . . .

  • toward dedicated excellence
  • toward loving change

What does this look like? 

  • Believe in mercy
  • Believe in second chances

Much different than what we saw in the streets.

Defeat injustice with personal progress

Restlessness is rampant all over the USA.

The American poet Mary Oliver challenges our restlessness.

“Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Seek revenge? Blame other people?

From birth to death, all of us run into injustice in one degree or another. 

Maybe nothing like Alice Johnson.

But, Alice embraced a way that leads to deliverance.

“My Christian faith and the prayers of so many kept hope alive.” AJ

 The first women and men who followed Jesus were not called Christians. 

They called themselves followers of “the Way.” 

It was a radical way of relating by . . .

  • love
  • care
  • value
  • forgiveness

Nothing here about settling a score.

Alice forgot about her difficulties and focused with . . .

  • faith in God
  • faith in herself
  • faith in others

Defeat injustice with inclusion

No wonder Jesus attracts so many followers like Alice. He turned the world upside down because he saw the value of every human being made in the image of God. He had compassion and he acted. He never spoke about membership in any organization. He spoke about a new way of living.

Prison officials saw this way in Alice Johnson.

“The nearly 22 years I spent in prison were not wasted. God had a purpose and a plan for my life. I was not delayed or denied. I was destined for such a time as this. I pray that you will not just hear this message, but that you will be inspired by my story.” AJ

I am. Aren’t you? What are some fresh ways to defeat injustice in the USA?

Defeat Despair Like Alice Johnson Defeats Injustice

2 thoughts on “Defeat Despair Like Alice Johnson Defeats Injustice

  1. Steve McLean says:

    One of the other things I appreciated in Alice Johnson’s story was her acknowledgment that, although her sentence was unjust, she was partially responsible for her suffering because of her wrong choices. Acknowledging our sin opens us up to God’s grace in ways that empowers us to deal with the challenges, disappointments and injustices of life in powerful ways. Her story is a great challenge and encouragement to all of us.

    1. Point well made Steve. Acknowledging our mistakes or misfortune is the first step to a better future. How many people stay stuck in anger, self-pity or resentment and ruin their lives along with everybody around them? Great to hear from you.

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