A Daily Dose of Enthusiasm Makes Success Come True

The medal-winning German bobsled team shows how enthusiasm is the single trait for success.

The magic of enthusiasm
German bobsled team medal sweep 2022 Olympics/Michael Kappeler/AP Images

Six members of the German bobsleigh team sparked enthusiasm in an otherwise dreary, drug-laden Winter Olympics.

Francesco Friedrich, Thorsten Margis, Johannes Lochner, Florian Bauer, Christoph Hafer, and Matthais Sommer captured more than three medals.

They captured the three great laws of enthusiasm.

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A Daily Dose of Enthusiasm Makes Success Come True

24 Proven Strategies for a Long, Happy, and Successful Life

One of the most successful investment gurus ever asked that his 24 motivators for great success be read at his funeral service.

Successful Rules for Life
Richard Jenrette, Co-founder Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette/New York Times

Great leaders like Richard Jenrette, who co-founded Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette in 1959, often leave golden nuggets to help the rest of us find our way.

The 24 rules, which always sat on his desk, were read aloud.

They are entitled “What I Learned: 24 Rules for a Successful Life.”

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24 Proven Strategies for a Long, Happy, and Successful Life