Before you quit: Remember three keys to breakthrough

Face it. Sometimes you wanna quit.

Ever feel like you’ve solved a problem and it pops right up again?

survivors don't quit

Bob Wieland’s disability is obvious.

But, he doesn’t quit.

Mine is not so obvious. A nerve issue.

Two years ago I had a neuropathy flare-up and I thought, “What else can I do?”

Reminds me of three keys for triggering breakthroughs.

We need them so we don’t lose heart.

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Before you quit: Remember three keys to breakthrough

Boost Your Wake-up Call to a Happier Life

My wake-up call reversed my happiness in one split-second.

On a routine afternoon in February 2019, my nervous system shorted out like Daffy Duck.

Neuropathy lit me up like a fireworks show.

Never felt nerve pain like that before.

And it kept going with no end in sight.

I told myself the same thing Daffy did.

“I should have known . . .”

I should have known that when you overload the body, it breaks down.

Two years of wandering through a jungle of nerve pain led to three discoveries about health and happiness.

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Boost Your Wake-up Call to a Happier Life

Pain-Free Nerves Are Just 5 Steps Away

Today is the beginning of your pain-free nerves.

All your brain messengers need is a whole lotta love.

In February 2019, I ran into a burning dumpster of nerve pain called neuropathy.

My pain level was a 10, but I was able to bring it to 1 in twelve months.

Pain free nerves

Would have happened sooner if I knew then what I know now.

Add these simple pain-free habits every day and watch your nerves calm down like a quiet lagoon.

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Pain-Free Nerves Are Just 5 Steps Away