Navigate your pain victoriously: 3 hints from the first Christmas

Pain pops up at Christmas.

Maybe it’s because the holidays often revolve around regrets.

  • Family
  • Health
  • Money

Christmas is a nice distraction from some of these when the kids or grandkids are young.

But as you, your parents, and the kids age, Christmas shines a spotlight on pain.

Three hints from the first Christmas convert pain into bright steps toward the future.

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Navigate your pain victoriously: 3 hints from the first Christmas

Say Goodbye to Knee Pain: 3 Fixes to Quickly Heal

A few months ago, I was smoldering in knee pain hell.

Escape knee-pain hell

Every step I took made me wanna scream like a mashed cat.

It all began after a 3-mile hike with my cross-country star daughter.

We began at an easy pace until I challenged her with a sprint.

Knee pain begins anywhere
April hiking at Rose Hill in Fredericksburg,TX/Tucker Moore

That was a mistake in more ways than one!

Within three days, I descended into spiraling pain with every step I took.

However, three critical decisions led to the total healing of my knee in 90 days without drugs, surgery, or any invasive needles.

Continue Reading “Say Goodbye to Knee Pain: 3 Fixes to Quickly Heal” >
Say Goodbye to Knee Pain: 3 Fixes to Quickly Heal

How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods

Watching the TV special, “The 2019 Master’s: A Sunday Unlike Any Other,” reminds me how Tiger Woods overcame discouragement by making a simple decision.

After all, adversity drops in quickly like a duck on a June bug.

Peace of mind evaporates when . . .

  • health
  • career
  • money
  • relationships

. . . go up in smoke.

But, I’m intrigued how a person can change their life with one simple decision.

Continue Reading “How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods” >
How to Demolish Discouragement in One Step like Tiger Woods

Rising from the Ashes: How to Turn Your Pain into Beauty

Foster and special-needs kids rise above their pain every summer at Skiin’ With The Galilean (SWTG).

The Christian water sports camp shines a light on beauty for everyone involved.

The beauty of hope.

Rise above pain
Jack Bryan rises above Leigh syndrome in 2019 at SWTG/Lake Athens, TX

Hope is in the . . .

  • love of God reflected through volunteers
  • water and sun dancing off inner tubes
  • ZUP boards and smiling faces

Like a Lego kit, SWTG offers broken kids valuable pieces to rebuild their lives.

Three pieces that fix broken lives work well for all of us.

Continue Reading “Rising from the Ashes: How to Turn Your Pain into Beauty” >
Rising from the Ashes: How to Turn Your Pain into Beauty

Before you quit: Remember three keys to breakthrough

Face it. Sometimes you wanna quit.

Ever feel like you’ve solved a problem and it pops right up again?

survivors don't quit

Bob Wieland’s disability is obvious.

But, he doesn’t quit.

Mine is not so obvious. A nerve issue.

Two years ago I had a neuropathy flare-up and I thought, “What else can I do?”

Reminds me of three keys for triggering breakthroughs.

We need them so we don’t lose heart.

Continue Reading “Before you quit: Remember three keys to breakthrough” >
Before you quit: Remember three keys to breakthrough