“Joy in the Battle”: The top song that carries us through suffering

My favorite song of the year sparks joy despite our suffering.

Joy for your suffering

It powers your spirit through daily struggles to victory.

Joy is not natural or easy when pain and suffering pile up.

But MAJOR shines four bright lights leading our way.

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“Joy in the Battle”: The top song that carries us through suffering

Embrace the Bright Side: Finding Joy in the Midst of an Apocalyptic Summer

Chaos is smothering joy faster than heat on a Portland biker.

No joy this summer
Heat dome sucking joy out of the Pacific Northwest/Nathan Howard/Getty Images

We see . . .

  • tragedies in the Florida condo collapse
  • Texas and California electricity shortage
  • heat melting the Pacific Northwest

Plenty of news to be down.

But, one of God’s tiny creatures shows us how to choose joy.

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Embrace the Bright Side: Finding Joy in the Midst of an Apocalyptic Summer

Five Rhythms of Joy Energize Your Soul Every Day

God created a rhythmic world of joy.

Every day an ensemble of people, creatures, sounds, color and smell surround us with essential ingredients for unshakable joy.

Unshakable Joy
Life is good/Frank McKenna/Unsplash

Play these rhythms and energize your soul.

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Five Rhythms of Joy Energize Your Soul Every Day