Boost Your Wake-up Call to a Happier Life

My wake-up call reversed my happiness in one split-second.

On a routine afternoon in February 2019, my nervous system shorted out like Daffy Duck.

Neuropathy lit me up like a fireworks show.

Never felt nerve pain like that before.

And it kept going with no end in sight.

I told myself the same thing Daffy did.

“I should have known . . .”

I should have known that when you overload the body, it breaks down.

Two years of wandering through a jungle of nerve pain led to three discoveries about health and happiness.

Wake-up healing

Healing nerve pain is a lot like healing anything else.

It all starts with letting go of toxins.

Lots of folks would rather savor than dump their toxins.

So, it’s a tough call which is why so many never get well.

My toxins were . . .

  • statin medication
  • vitamin D deficiency
  • “added” sugar products

These pile up nerve-hating chemicals and block nerve-loving nutrients.

Letting go of these toxins put me on a faster track to healing.

Wake-up your heart

Being still, rather than panicking, allows clarity to see cause and effect.

  • What’s happening physically?
  • Why is this happening?
  • What changes do I have to make?
  • What changes do I want to make?

My primary care doctor was clueless.

“There are hundreds of causes of neuropathy,” he said.

He checked me for diabetes and other diseases and all came back negative.

So, he told me to take an antihistamine. What?

I could have gone to a Neurologist for mind-numbing drugs like gabapentin.

But, I didn’t want to fool myself and mask the cause of the pain.

Examining bad eating habits, the real cause, allowed honest answers for my neuropathy.

Wake-up faith

Your wake-up call may be something else.

Whatever the misery, you deserve better.

And it all starts by loving yourself.

Wake-up self love
Healing begins by loving yourself/Yoann Boyer/Unsplash

Instead of judging yourself, nourish yourself.

Sit in the mornings for five minutes, preferably outside, and . . .

  • listen to God
  • listen to your heart
  • listen to the birds
  • listen quietly

I don’t consider this a mystical practice.

It’s your right to love and accept . . .

  • who you are
  • where you are

When my face, hands and feet were on fire, I just sat in God’s presence and thanked Him for who I was even in that suffering.

Actually, I threw myself on him.

“But as for me, I shall sing of your strength; yes, I shall joyfully sing of your lovingkindness in the morning, for you have been my stronghold, and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength, I will sing praises to you; for God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness.” Psalm 59: 16-17

I call this SIGH—Sit In God’s Hands.

Exhale your burdens. Breathe in His Spirit.

Two years later, I am rejoicing with healed nerves.

What have you learned from your wake-up call?

Boost Your Wake-up Call to a Happier Life

2 thoughts on “Boost Your Wake-up Call to a Happier Life

  1. Anna Fitzgerald says:

    Beautiful post, Steve. I love your acronym for; Sit in God’s hands!

    Happy to hear that you’re doing better!

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