Whatever hole or pit you’re in is not permanent.

Unless you want to stay there.
And many folks do.
The deeper the hole, the more resistance there is.
But, anyone can climb out if they open three hatches.
The reality in every hole
Every hole has a recliner.
A way to be comfortable in misery.
Decorate the hole? Yes
Read in the the hole? Yes
Play music in the hole? Yes

Get out of the hole? No.
Some people don’t want to change.
Why not?
Because the pain of change is greater than the pain of the pit.
It’s a lot easier to blame . . .
- your genes
- your parents
- your tendencies
or something else instead of facing the reality of your hole.
Folks who get help have the courage to face why they are there.
Carl Jung called this facing “the shadow in all of us.”
“We’re all like the moon. We have a side we don’t want to show anybody.” Mark Twain
That’s OK. But, we have to be honest with ourselves in the hole.
Once we admit why we are there, three escape hatches open.
Escape hatch #1: The next tiny step
Mislabeling the hole leaves us stuck.
Admitting the malady is the first step out.
If we blame it on laziness, we never get out.
It’s OK to be lazy because everybody is. Right?
But, lazy is not . . .
- doubt
- pain
- shame
These grave diggers are triggered by fear.
Fear blocks us.
So we believe we need something big to get out.
Instead of baby steps, we look for giant-step solutions.
Tim Hansel, after a mountain climbing accident, lived with chronic back pain.
But, he found relief in the next tiny step, (NTS).
Afterwards, Tim wrote 12 books and excelled as a motivational speaker.
Escape hatch #2: Creative enthusiasm
Impossible holes require enthusiasm more than discipline.
Discipline is good for awhile.
But, a military sergeant is not enough for dark holes.
Enthusiasm (Greek, “filled with God”) engages supernatural energy.
Escape is possible because God is with you in the hole.
“Remembering that God is my source, we are in the spiritual position of having an unlimited bank account. Most of us never consider how powerful the creator really is. Instead, we draw very limited amounts of the power available to us. We decide how powerful God is. We unconsciously set a limit on how much God can give us or help us. We are stingy with ourselves. And if we receive a gift beyond our imagining, we often send it back.” Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way
Faith makes a unique bond between you and God.
A supernatural bond generates unique solutions.
Escape hatch #3: Commitment
Early in my business career, numerous obstacles threatened my progress.
None was bigger than my partners leaving me high and dry in 1986.
At 32, I was forced to make a decision with no financial backing.
Look for a job or go on my own.
Having just purchased a home, I was facing sizable debt.
And then, a mentor, a successful businessman, reminded me . . .
“Steve, they can take away everything. But, they can’t take the talent under your skin.” Fred Ricketts, Founder of First Main Capitol
So, I drew a line in the sand.
I learned that . . .
The next tiny step Enthusiasm Commitment

are all that’s needed to blow out of any hole.
What’s your favorite lesson for blasting out of holes?
Amazingly helpful, Steve. Thank you. It reminds me of Jesus’ question to the lame man: “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6)
Good point, Wayne. Facing our issues puts us on the spot doesn’t it? Great to hear from you.