Rocking the world with a winning attitude at age 98 should be packaged and sold.
So, whatever is working for Sister Jean, I want it! Don’t you?

The chaplain of the 2018 Loyola Ramblers rocked the world with three big ideas about winning attitudes.
Attitude #1: Forget about conditions. Focus on choices.
Her suffering is the elephant in the room with Sister Jean’s winning ideas.
She spent much of the basketball season recovering from hip surgery.
Two pins and a titanium rod were planted in her leg last November.
When asked about her recovery, she said . . .
“You have to be gutsy.” SJ
Sister Jean makes worldwide news by offering advice, encouragement, and ideas from a wheelchair!
“It all depends on how hard you work for it. We have a little slogan that we say, ‘worship, work and win!'” SJ
Our suffering nun decides to worship, work, and win every day.
Just look at the way she handles adversity.
Attitude #2 Forget about obstacles. Focus on bonds.
After surgery, the hospital didn’t have a station for the Rambler games.
So, she followed play-by-play on a website.
Then, she prerecorded her prayer to be played at Loyola’s games.
When the Ramblers whipped Drake 72-57, she sent an email to Forward Donte Ingram . . .
“Donte, keep getting those rebounds; that action helps to add more points to the game.” SJ
And then she had these thoughts for guard Clayton Custer . . .
“They were certainly out to get you. However, your fantastic plays outwitted them and made them nervous. Keep up your great work and don’t get injured.”
And then at a Final Four press conference in San Antonio . . .
“These young players are playing for their hearts, and not for any financial assistance.” SJ
Attitude #3 Focus on good work
Sister Jean is wealthy in good works. That’s why she has a wealthy life.
- Worship . . . faith
- Work . . . habit
- Win . . . attitude
What leadership qualities in Sister Jean speak to you?