A Daily Dose of Enthusiasm Makes Success Come True

The medal-winning German bobsled team shows how enthusiasm is the single trait for success.

The magic of enthusiasm
German bobsled team medal sweep 2022 Olympics/Michael Kappeler/AP Images

Six members of the German bobsleigh team sparked enthusiasm in an otherwise dreary, drug-laden Winter Olympics.

Francesco Friedrich, Thorsten Margis, Johannes Lochner, Florian Bauer, Christoph Hafer, and Matthais Sommer captured more than three medals.

They captured the three great laws of enthusiasm.

Law #1: Enthusiasm follows direction

I don’t know how many hours, days, weeks, months, and years these guys practiced.

But, they were clear on the dream . . . three medals in the Olympic Games.

Eins, zwei and drei. Bronze, gold and silver.

Clearly, these fellas spent years competing against themselves.

“Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake.” Kurt Vonnegut

We compete every day against our potential.

Sometimes, we don’t because we blame others.

As John Paul Sartre said, “Hell is other people.”

But enthusiasm ignores distractions and skates to the dream.

Law #2: Enthusiasm is power

No matter the circumstance, enthusiasm lifts.

Olympic athletes are super livers. They love what they do, and they live what they love.

How? The power inside.

The ancient Greeks called an inspired person en, meaning in, and theos, meaning god. They saw enthusiasm as a mark for an indwelling god.

I’m convinced they made the right word because no other trait contributes more to happiness and success.

“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.” Steve Maraboli

Christians stake their identity on an indwelling deity.

“. . . Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

How does this work in tough times?

Law 3: Practice is the play

Never quit. Never lose faith. Never drop the practice.

It’s not about performing perfectly. It’s not about coming in first.

It’s about playing every day. Play is the work.

Kids love to play the work. Watching third graders make crafts at our church in Sunday school is such a kick and a life-long lesson. They care more about coloring the valentine than the results since half end up in the trash.

“Perfectionism is a refusal to let yourself move ahead.” Julia Cameron

My grandmother, the happiest person I knew, was making and giving away jewelry at 96. She played the work.

“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” Aldous Huxley

Enthusiasm sparks practice. Practice sparks enthusiasm.

  • Know your course
  • Trust deity
  • Practice the play

What colors your world?

A Daily Dose of Enthusiasm Makes Success Come True

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