3 Secrets from Beavers to Stay Cool and Happy All Summer Long

Beavers use cool summer math games for a happier life.

The math is all about building the perfect beaver lodge. You know, the ideal dream house.

Designed on the water with trees and a garden, a beaver mansion teems with three secrets for all.

Cool summer math games
Beaver lodge at Lake Athens/photo by Steve Blaising

1. Plan with heat in mind

Jet-skiing recently at Lake Athens, I see this beaver dream house.

Behind him, a human pays a scorching $3,000,000 while this beaver uses resources for less.

Unsurprisingly, he builds the best house in a better location at the best price.

His land cousin, the badger, does the same thing in grasslands.

“Badgers are creatures of little power, yet they make their homes in the rocks.” Proverbs 30:26

Why do small creatures like these lead a stable life in a volatile world?

Because they . . .

  • ignore limitations
  • plan in advance
  • don’t look back

There’s a risk, but tiny creatures like beavers ignore limitations and make good decisions.

2. Plan with family in mind

Beavers are committed to family. Everything they do revolves around it.

They live in monogamous pairs and often in family groups as large as eight.

Younger siblings stay with their parents for up to two years helping with . . .

  • babysitting
  • food supplies
  • dam or home building

Whatever decisions you make this summer, keep the family first.

3. Plan with community in mind

If you’re hot and burned out this summer, be inspired by beavers.

They make extended plans, not short ones.

Long plans plant beauty in your future.

Beauty that withstands heat puts family first and lifts the community (except if it’s your trees).

But beavers don’t know that because they create beautiful habitats.

All kinds of aquatic and wildlife benefit because a beaver’s work is lifelong and purposeful.

Cool summer math games
Beavers are architects of the ecosystem sustaining life/Photo by Branden Jakobeit

How are you making the summer special for your dreams?

3 Secrets from Beavers to Stay Cool and Happy All Summer Long

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