This apocalypse will be scarier than Halloween

The apocalypse predicted by Stephen Hawking before his death is scary.

A Scary Apocalypse
Chernobyl kindergarten/Gerhard Reus on Unsplash

He said energy demand from overpopulation will ultimately burn us up.

“By the year 2600, the world’s population would be standing shoulder to shoulder and the electricity consumption would make the Earth glow red-hot.”  Stephen Hawking, Tencent WE Summit, 11/4/2017

He said if the heat doesn’t get us first, aggression and artificial intelligence will.

Add the nuclear threat from Russia and images of apocalypse creep in.

Many regard Hawking as a once in a lifetime genius.

Along with his great work in science came world ending predictions.

  • The earth burns up in less than 600 years.
  • Artificial intelligence will outperform humans.
  • Aggression is our biggest threat for cataclysmic war.

The Bible offered similar predictions long before Hawking.

  • The earth will be destroyed by fire. 2 Peter 3:10
  • Pride and arrogance is inherent in every heart. Jeremiah 17:9
  • Aggression will increase with escalating wars. Matthew 24:6

Bomb Shelter #1:  Live for others

Ten days before dad died, he told me I was the youngest son and so my job is . . .

“Hold it together.”  Claude Blaising

That means live centered every day.

Centered on what?

During my last visit, dad and I watched the news.

Instead of complaining or moaning, he would casually ask . . .

  • How’s Judy? (my wife)
  • How’s Jack? (my son)
  • How’s Lizzy? (my daughter)
  • How’s Kate? (my daughter)
  • How’s Trudy? (my mother-in-law)
  • How’s that lake? (Lake Athens)

Just days before he died, dad lived the way he always did.

Others centered.

Dad didn’t have to get ready.  He lived ready.

Ready Apocalypse or Not
Dad greeting the future on his 94th birthday/Kate Blaising

Bomb Shelter #2: Live untied

Another way to free yourself from trauma is stay untied from possessions.

 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”  Matthew 6: 19-20

I have thought about this reference, “treasures in heaven” many times.

People suffer more from possessiveness than they do pain or depression.

It’s the obsession of possessiveness that keeps folks from letting go.

The happiest people let go of their possessiveness early and often.

Possessiveness and possessions are not the same thing.

But, since so many tie their identity to possessions, they never discover the great treasure of release.  The treasure of giving.  And that’s when you find the kingdom of heaven.

Bomb Shelter #3:  Live authentically

Live the way you believe.

Death is not a threat when your actions line with your values because you stay ready for next.

I’m convinced there are four ways to live consistently with your beliefs.

Four parts of a truly authentic life.

Escape apocalypse with authenticity
Four parts of a truly authentic life/Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

And if you keep these four in harmony, you will live in joy and peace.

I’ll share them in a future post.

This apocalypse will be scarier than Halloween

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